
Unless you’re talking about Buddhism, that makes no sense. Atheists by definition reject religious texts on the grounds that they reject belief in deities.

If you’re going to twist the context of religious texts to suit your personal preferences, why even bother being part of that religion? You’re in denial; it was written with a specific purpose and context. It blows my mind to see Christians do the same thing.

Dude look at this 9 minute demo does it look like it’s gonna be like the old games?

Thank you. I knew I wasn't the only one.

Well that was kinda the point, Kratos killed the Greek gods so he was supposed to then head out and conquer Norse mythology. Honestly though after seeing the sheer departure of gameplay here I can see what you mean.

God of War is the epitome of macho male culture (it’s Greek ffs). Also the Norse mythology thing was David Jaffe’s original idea for GoW II, but he stepped down for that game so it was sidelined.

Sony’s given up on handheld gaming...what a shame.

“Apple” never had any ideas. Steve Jobs had ideas. Tim Cook apparently does not have ideas.

To be fair 99% of people who find a Mac worth buying probably already have an iPhone or iPad.

We can’t force them to stop destroying their respiratory system but at least we can make them pay up the ass for it. Where I live cigs are notoriously expensive and I prefer to think of it as just one more consequence for their poor personal decisions.

The data for Quality of Life factors in the weather, crime rates, and local bars and restaurants. It may not be San Francisco but according to this study it must not be boring.

Tom Cruise will become a master of pogo just to film the opening scene.

My pair of All Star II’s from last fall are still kickin pretty well. I’m on the fence about these new Moderns though. They look too sporty, I don’t know why they feel the need to change their classic and frankly timeless look. The goat leather ones look nice though, shame they're only high tops. I have enough of

If people can relate then why make a straight hero gay? Gay people can relate without sharing the character’s sexuality. Hell if it’s not the end all be all why bother making a new gay character?


Actually there’s plenty of indication Cap is straight. It takes silly and willful ignorance to think otherwise. Considering the source material was a straight guy, movie Cap was in love with Peggy, Cap also kissed Natasha and Sharon, and showed stereotypical shyness around women. All these cues indicate he’s straight,

You missed the point completely. Comics, movie, animated shows, Captain America the character is not a gay character, and it makes no sense to suddenly flip him just for the sake of a vast minority of viewers. I repeat, why not petition writers to create an original gay superhero? Why feel the need to hijack popular

This is the best example I’ve ever seen of a black racist. And you're right, that doesn't make him a bad person. He actually makes a good point for the distinction of races.

The reason it’s not realistic is because Captain America and Bucky Barnes are not gay characters. They’re best friends, a well established plot point. If you want gay heroes then petition the writers to create gay heroes.

Right, there’s no way two childhood friends could be just that. Men being friends with other men? Hahaha, what a joke! Everyone knows if two guys have a close bond it has to be because they're completely gay for each other.