
It seemed to be Cap’s reaction to the fact that he was too late with Peggy and was tired of hesitating with Sharon, so lest he be too late for her too he kissed her right then.

Great article Evan, in particular I appreciate the comparison of Evelyn to Lara Croft, though I think it’s too ambiguous to make. The story of her and Ken was a sad one, I almost wish we got to see Edmund play some sort of role in the main story.

At least it's just inching along not bothering anyone. Unlike that golf course Down Unda where a fucking kangaroo chased down and assaulted a kid.

My thoughts exactly. Even if it can't be stolen, they'll take a wheel. They'll take a seat. Someone needs to make a bike with systems that can't be removed from the bike very easily. A seat that only adjusts, but doesn't come off the bike, for example.

WBC never killed anyone. And even if they did, the Bible doesn’t teach Christians to kill or harm nonbelievers in Jesus’ name.

So you’re ok with Facebook lying to its users and deceptively manipulating its trending news. Got it.

Presumably whatever Watterson imagined Hobbes sounded like. Guess he never actually thought about it.

When I say “done right,” I always imagined Bill Watterson would have complete creative control over the series. If he hand-picked the cast I would approve.

Because a vast percentage of society holds values that do not regard sex as frivolous.

No we’re not Muslims, we just take it for what it is and move on.

I always thought an animated Calvin and Hobbes done right could’ve been something special, but I’m fine with just the comics too.

Yeah it looks like a completely balls-out movie with a ridiculous plot. It’s as if they took a cue from Transformers and said “Let’s not even try to make this serious”

But you get Bono for free! Who doesn't want a free Bono?

Nutter Butter

A bulky armored knight sounds about right to me.

So a beautiful woman with a big booty shouldn’t quote lyrics from a song because the writer of the song is black, and the woman herself is white.

Hahaha, all I can say is for UC4 it’s basically Nate is always beaten to the discoveries by someone else, but they don’t know how to get past the secrets/puzzles/traps. Nate does, and once he basically paves the way the other guys catch up to him and a shootout ensues (all treasure hunters are rich, violent, and

I had to laugh at one point where Sam held a gun to Nadine’s head threatening to kill her, and Rafe says to Nadine something like “Relax, cold-blooded isn’t their style.” Then Sam, *naturally*, lets her go and surrenders.

Curious, how did the Vita version work?

Believe it or not, you can believe that black lives matter and simultaneously disagree with the movement, Black Lives Matter. They’re not the end-all be-all of black people.