
So it’s just completely coincidental liberals support the movement and conservatives don’t?

Water sure seems to work, but I chug it first thing in the morning rather than just have a glass. A big breakfast definitely helps too.

It’s Japan not America. Different side of the world, different people and priorities when it comes to entertainment.

I don’t know much about cars but I would think the power needed to lift a grown man and move him at that speed through the air requires ridiculous horsepower.

Don’t we now have some kind of electrical firing system that would feasibly eliminate the recoil? And fuck military use this is clearly a consumer phenomenon waiting to take off

Dude how fuckin old is that photograph? I feel like it SHOULD be viable by now, it's been over 50 years probably

“The League gazed upon the ashen chaos they had wrought. Not one sign of life was left upon the earth.”

So basically what many PC and Nintendo games have done forever?

As this is Kotaku I was rather disappointed nobody brought up Seymour Guado from FFX. I’ve seen crazy anime-dos but his really defies any sense of logic.

I’ve always felt Peter Parker’s personal life was Spider-Man’s main weakness. He’s got the superpower game down but the life game not so much.

Spider-Man: Homekilling.

Yeah I really get the feeling from all they’ve shown so far that he’s basically team Stark’s ace in the hole. Enough power to beat the entire other team (as if Vision wasn't overkill enough).

It was a stupid thing to say but the rest of the article makes sense

I don’t think they necessarily deserved to die specifically, they just deserved whatever unfortunate consequences would befall them due to their own deliberate, rebellious actions. Cops tried to save them, and if they had then they would've deserved the jail time they would have received too, but it seems death had

But isnt it true though that your load times are only really improved if you digitally downloaded your games?

Kirk you picked enemies mostly from the last half of the game. How could you leave out the fat fucking Amish women who laugh with joy as they try to fire-hug you to death?


But my point is because they’re considerate to their readers...I can read the points without having to watch a needless video. So there is no problem.

Benefiting the content creator isn’t my goal. Getting the information is my goal. When I click on an article I expect to...read an article, not watch a video. I'm glad Lifehacker takes this into account in their writing.

Some of us don't have time to watch/can't afford to waste data when it can be simply presented in the article (it's an info-vid not a movie).