
Machines for beginners —> free weights for advanced —> back to machines when you get injured for overlifting/using shitty form.

This is Lifehacker, not Gawker. The writers here actually think things through before posting.

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But do your Hispanic in-laws do the drawn out, high pitched laugh?

My favorite fun fact I learned is “just desserts” is actually “just deserts”, with deserts referring to what you deserve. But I like to use desserts still anyways as it fits within the context of receiving a fitting consequence in the end (aka dessert, the last course of a meal).

That’s racist. You’re racist.

He was 7 during the Avengers...so he's 11 now? Does it establish anywhere that Civil War takes place in a year beyond 2016?

At this point it just blows my mind. Bad enough they can’t shake the grit off of their movies, but how the hell did a board of producers of whoever was in charge allow Batman to fucking murder people.

I’m not that far out of high school, I’ve seen firsthand what sheer brats these kids can be. It’s not a far cry at all for some people to think she got what she deserved, especially when they’re very far detached from the situation.

At a glance it looks like you’d pronounce it like “Page.” But they tell you right on the damn jar it’s “Fah-yeh.”

Presumably the issue they have with Lambo is there’s not enough emphasis on “gi?” Like an exaggerated Italian accent “Its-a LamborGI-ni!”

Hey Buttcanoe, respect does not equal agreeing with one’s principles or opinions. Respect means treating someone with oh, ya know, respect, regardless of what principles you may or may not share.

This is why I can’t wait for Hulkster to bury them. Hypocritical idiots to the core.

But we still haven't made autonomous highway patrol officers so you will still get bumped and then kicked in the chest.

Much like wild animals, I think if you can cast an intimidating presence you’re more likely to ward off an attacker by keeping actual combat to a minimum. I imagine most would be assailants will choose weak targets and, even if you are, if at least you don’t look like one then that increases your odds of survival.

I’m impressed with Snyder. He even managed to make a scene of Superman murdering people by inaction.

Considering how many white people are involved in the death note story, especially the second half, it’s. It farfetched to make it all US-based.

Most likely overdose

Someone needs to do a Snyder edit of the Civil War trailer where every scene a character attacks someone they murder them.

The only way they would be able to replicate that level of artwork is if they had the budget of a full length theater-released film.

Really cause I’d be hard pressed to find anything at hot topic these days that didn’t have a logo, comic book character, or some obnoxious graphic splashed onto it. I really don’t know why one would shop there other than for novelty gifts, it really is for teenagers who give zero fucks about their appearance.