
You can’t make it better looking than...well the actual thing. This isn’t armor or anime clothes they were designed as actual garments first then applied to the game. The prices are definitely ridiculous but I’m seriously impressed with just how balls-out SE is going with this fucking game. We’re been waiting 10 years

I want you to have that pizza Barry.

I personally am not upset they exist, I’ve tried a few IMs and they’re amusing. But the point is these things aren’t legitimate games and frankly aren’t worth paying for when you can just watch someone play it on YouTube. So in other words why are these devs surprised.

I will admit that when I torrented music as a teenager, I was clearly acting in the wrong. Most game pirates refuse to do the same.

PESD is a serious problem in livestock.

Patience, friend. The science is not yet over.

What number do you recommend asking for? Would it depend on how long you've been with the company?

They won’t acknowledge it until their appeal gets shot the fuck down and they go broke.

My manager had a 17 year old punk working at the register once, and he stole a total of $750 over two weeks by literally slipping it from the register to his pockets. It took them a whole two weeks just to figure out to check the cameras, before that they were clueless to where the money went. Even then they barely

Most numbers that end in 9 cannot be divided by 3. Think 19, 29, 49, 59, 79, 89...

This is exactly how I felt about Korra. In any other setting she would’ve come off as a stereotypical butch lesbo, and I thought they were making her stand out. Nope. She turned out to be a stereotypical butch lesbo. They even gave her a lipstick girlfriend.

Very interesting how now that most marvel movies have had sequels, they are now sort of expanding one hero’s story through another hero’s film. Like Thor 3 will also elaborate what happened to Hulk and Ant-Man continued a bit on what happened to Bucky.

But has it played the Divine Move yet?

Islam itself is not compatible with America. It requires revisions and modifications that would not be tolerated by Muslims if Islam was the majority religion.

Same here, personally I think the rough ratchety texture they gave Batman’s suit in BvS would look perfect on spidey

If you’re not exaggerating about his regimen he is so obviously overtraining his legs. That’s the opposite of not training enough, still bad news bears. I said twice a week and in those two days (spaced apart of course) hit them real hard. They’re huge muscles so they take more time to recover than say, the biceps.

Genetics is a bs excuse there is no reason he has to have bigger arms than legs. He’s simply training the arms more and not training legs enough. Train them twice a week, have two leg days and go easy on the arms to let legs catch up. I am weaker in my upper body than my legs but that is because I have been working my

I can imagine him using some sort of Cosmos-related energy blast. Or crashing the ship of imagination (was that its name?) onto the opponent.

Keep in mind this is only because rich people want so many different customization options for their rich cars robots can’t practically be used to make them.