
I was thinking the same thing. It's basically a smaller weight class vs a larger weight class torso. He doesn't have the leverage but he has superior upper body strength than others in his weight.

But you don’t know if it’s never going to happen again. If you’d rather live in ignorance you don’t get to know if it happens once, twice, thrice etc. Because they would never tell you.

So then what would be the purpose of an all-kyber hilt or even blade?

Jia Tolentino doesn't seem to think so.

It was all the jokes I think. The story wasn’t stunning as far as superhero movies, nor was the villain that compelling. But the presentation and jokes made the movie hilariously good.

Spawn fans have known for a long time that’s the direction McFarlane has wanted to go with Spawn. He doesn’t want to treat him as a superhero anymore but like a comic book Poltergeist or something. I’ve always thought it’s a dumb idea that completely defeats the purpose of it being Spawn. He had a cool superhero story

Unless he’s a teenager or using steroids, a sizeable portion of that 16 pounds was extra bodyfat. Clean gains definitely do not come so quickly.

Honestly with the first movie it didn't feel as bad as transformers. It's like the movie knew what it was and tried to have fun with it. Enjoy it for the bro moments lol

This is the answer. He's the first GMO pokemon.

It’s clearly solar refraction making it appear slightly curved.

So basically a pod racer with wheels.

True, it didn’t immediately occur to me since I learned years ago not to include those carbs in my diet. I forget those carbs are basically the backbone of America. If ketosis is what it takes for you to cut them out then I guess go for it.

“Kinkajous are expensive as hell and a nightmare to care for. I recommend that pet owners stay the fuck away from kinkajous.”

There is plenty of evidence that keto or Atkins diet can have adverse health effects. Some are a nuisance, some are manageable, some are just risks you face. As far as I’m concerned if any kind of diet has adverse effects or requires supplements to manage it (itd not supplementing if you HAVE to take it to avoid

Wow that sounds like you’d have no problem hitting your macros. That also sounds infinitely more interesting than my diet lol.

I don’t assume mere weight loss alone improved health. I assume a healthy lifestyle in all improves health. This is a combination of daily exercise, healthy portions and limiting or negating unhealthy products such as junk food and alcohol. Furthermore the study claims its participants were “unable” to lose weight or

Who said anything about refined carbs? As far as I’m concerned that’s not real food.

I’m 5'11" 190 lbs looking to cut to 180. My goals are 190g protein, 180g carbs and 50g fat.

True there is no one way, but I think the point of all these comments is the one thing we do not accept is that it is impossible for people to lose weight. Sure it isn’t an exact science and we’re still learning but in the meantime obese people have so many plans to try, and healthy ones too not insane diets.

Exactly. Healthier is the keyword. Are they eating complex or simple carbs, are they eating low fat. Are they getting enough protein. Are they doing their daily cardio. These are important factors that absolutely work. Counting calories in and of itself was never a viable solution.