
That can’t be healthy.

Call me old-fashioned, but I am more a fan of traditional travel.

If that cop had just done his job right this speeding fucknut would’ve gotten his just deserts. Now he gets $180,000 to keep on speeding.

This is why we’ll soon have cameras everywhere. Nobody can be trusted with their testimony these days. Witnesses or footage is a must.

This was a great and well-written breakdown of a police incident and case results. Gawker could learn a thing or two from you in analyzing a case.

I suspect only mobile viewers are having a hard time seeing the bruise.


I can't tell if this is a serious comment or if you're being facetious.

Looks like it didn't quite bloom as well as it would have as earth...

Sorry I never do this but then again I’ve never seen this particular instance happen before so I just feel compelled...

And yet, where is the E. coli outbreak for any other fast food chain?

It’s fucking sick and sad what they’re doing to their son. A decision like this should never be done to a child, only when they’re older.

It kinda sounds digitally altered...really interesting how he kinda reflects Balebats but more understandable.

That’s Vietnamese. Not all Asian languages are the same. Japanese doesn’t allow the “ow” sound, and N is more versatile than M. So “meow” becomes “nya.”

I actually think this looks uglier than the charge HR. I liked the straight black band with a little strip screen on it. That said mine is kinda falling apart for some reason, it has a uniform body so a detachable strap should last longer.

He’s right. Everyone’s giving him shit cause he’s a faded not that famous person but that’s besides the point and he certainly has one.

I can’t remember if the passed the test but they sure seemed to be shoving the “Rey is a strong independent woman who don’t need no man” trope down our throats.

If I had to hazard a guess I’d say they wanted the new helmet to be more easily emblemized, and went for a simplistic look that can be easily drawn.

The name is wrong. It shouldn't be iomodo, it should be Gizmo9.

An tragic example of the insane lengths people will go to fulfill their selfish desires and avoid responsibility. This woman didn’t give a shit about her baby or the law, she was determined not to accept her duty as a mother. She didn’t even want to safely abandon the child at a hospital or give it up for adoption. No