
You just rationally explained why they should never ever have made a sequel to this movie. It was made in the 90s. They should have let it remain there.

And that's why this story isn't on Gawker.

So I’m *not* the only one who noticed!

We definitely need more Outsider. He really loved up to his name, didn't have much impact on the plot other than giving Corvo powers and watching the results. Would've loved to see him interact with other characters besides Daud.

I was considering getting the DLC, but does it let you replay missions with all of your powers? That was one thing I disliked about the core game. It was nice progression but I felt that lack of abilities diminished the replay value.

This doesn’t seem far fetched to me. After all aren’t some pterosaurs’ wings similar in shape to albatross, who we know make extremely long flights?

You're right I forgot about her.

He doesn't talk much but when he does I noticed he has a distinctly black sounding voice. Sounds like a black guy trying to do an Asian accent. So I looked him up and holy shit it's Phil Lamarr.

Phil Lamarr is a prominent black voice actor and has a number of white roles under his belt. Also I just learned yesterday he voiced Samurai Jack.

I hope I’m understanding the scenario correctly, but it makes sense because we don’t merely evaluate the outcome alone. We are moral creatures so we dislike seeing immorality (in the case of the positive outcome, greed was the motivator behind the CEO’s decision, which is an immoral trait). What we ultimately want is

I’m more upset by the headline. I find it annoyingly presumptuous. While it's possible Batman does have the upper hand despite the appearance, don’t put that in the fucking headline.

Eh I suppose that makes sense. Im one of those with such a big library that a subscription service is mildly convenient at best. I wouldn't want to pay more than $5 a month, which is why I opted out after the beta.

Curious, does anybody still pay for Apple Music?

They won’t put OSX on a tablet because it will undermine their ridiculously overpriced MacBooks. iOS on the Pro reminds you “You still don’t have a MacBook. You should really buy one.”

Yeah I see what you’re saying. They basically lost their innovative streak when Jobs died. All it’s been is a slow crawl to the peak of yearly upgrades and copying unoriginal ideas. Now they’re plateauing and people don’t feel as compelled to upgrade each year, so it will be interesting to see how they handle this

Must be your location. A theater in my neighborhood plays matinee shows for $5. Best part in the morning is nobody else is there and theater’s to yourself. When the movie’s over it's lunchtime.

“Ok, I found some flights departing from Sierra Leone.”

What is crazy is that he wrote a comment asking what Fallout 4 was when the article clearly explains its a video game. Theres also that fucking screenshot of said video game right below the headline.

That’s sexist!!!! Gender is a social construct, you don’t need to have a sex to have a gender and they don’t have to match, anyone can be anything they want!!!!

Nothing new here. Somewhere out there someone has the reverse sort of story as you, being taught that life is meaningless and without purpose and there is no eternal hope, and they suffered from some mental or emotional disorder or addiction because of it. But they changed their mind and trusted in Jesus, and now