
Also interesting is that Stormtrooper appears to have some lightsaber-resistant weapon.

He got the law backwards? Son don't you know this is Texas, that man IS the law!

Some people literally don’t want to date a person who suffered from a bad or broken family.

I don’t know. The only good game they have on their roster is the dmc remake. Heavenly sword was just passable and Enslaved really sucked, the story was also bland.

It’s not assuming the worst, it’s the most logical conclusion one can draw from labeling the man as a “gamer.” It’s common for hardcore gamers to sink massive amounts of hours into their games, go on marathon sessions, etc. Not to mention the man in question looks like a stereotypical gamer and is very pale. Kotaku

A more appropriate and less misleading title would be “Why this gamer didn’t leave his house for over a year.” The “Why” invites you to learn the reason. Simply saying “The gamer who didn’t leave his house for over a year” obviously implies that he was addicted to games with such degree that he never left the house.

That judge deserves a medal.

The first two Spider-Man films have a nostalgic campiness that's just lacking in all other superhero movies. Would be nice if they could bring it back in the next one.

No I said I had the same feeling that the PS3 graphics were like photorealistic. And now they just seem dated cause I'm used to PS4 now. It's there little things like low resolution (funny right cause 720p used to be HD), lack of polys, and blurry textures compared to current gen.

I remember the same feeling when the PS3 came out. But this generation really has made some groundbreaking milestones in graphic power. I suspect next generation will be more of a priority on indistinguishable texture resolution, and 1080p 60fps as standard (I don't see 4K catching up too soon).

Cameltoe is out: spandex burger is officially the new accepted slang.

I don’t understand how this happens. As a man (previously I thought as a reasonable person) I always keep my cards securely in my wallet and even remember exactly which pockets in the wallet they’re in. In fact I normally get my card out before the cashier can finish ringing me up so as to get out of there faster.

Then what the hell was the point of the new chip they're rolling out on the cards? Why even use the chip if I have Apple Pay? Why use Apple Pay if I have the chip? Why don't we just fuck it all and pay with cash?

Where the hell is he getting this shit cause it’s sure not from the bible.

Damn it I was on his side until you got me with Nagriculture.

There is a guy, Google “Modern Jonah.” It’s apparently disputed but he is reported to have been swallowed by a whale and later that day a whaling crew got the whale and found him inside. It certainly sounds at least plausible, iirc he was permanently blind from the stomach acid and was disabled or something.

Did I read this right? Blackbeard has a bunch of child slaves singing an acapella version of “Smells Like Teen Spirit?”

No that's exactly how you say it

The worst black names: Shaniqua, Treyvon

You got it PC Principal