
That’s interesting, I thought gay activists supported any kind of person who does not have normal sexuality. I certainly find it hard to believe someone can fully support gays yet feel compelled to murder transgender people

Is it an epidemic though? Also if it is, I wonder why only transgender people are getting murdered and not gay people too. Seems whoever does the killings would hate both.

Good for her to get that body. She wasn't like that when I saw her on the Voice. Loving the natural hair color too.

Well they used to and then it started to fade, hence this reboot.

Interesting, why would you use a different ICD-10 code based on the doctor visit? I thought subsequent and sequela only applied to CPT, like E/M codes.

Damn. I wonder if they actually considered six arm ultron at one point for the movie.

I hate the weird sphincter eye...fuckin gross

Why would you want online multiplayer for a classic table-top game?

I would’ve gone for “Rosie gets Riveted”, but yours is more punny.

No, you can only not be.

I’m mixed race and I don’t have any race-related problems at all. Must be cause I act white.

So true they even made a comic book about that happening.

It will never happen as long as noticeable variations in skin shades exist.

Where is the 12” vibranium-armored Ultron? Why do I see zero toys of vibranium Ultron???

I only have taken it in high doses when I get sick and stay home from work. It gave me a somewhat half/sleep effect where you are fade in and out of a dream while still awake, but other than that I couldn’t say cause I slept through it all.

I was at least expecting an “iOS Pro” or something more advanced than a regular iPad.

I am convinced this is because either they don’t have the budget to make a really good adaptation, or they have shitty writers. In which case I theoretically would recommend a Western writer, but won’t out of fear that they might change their names to “Eric Yeager” and “Mikayla Ackerman.”

I played a really shoddy AoT mod for Gmod once. It was simple but entertaining and the controls were not hard at all (playing as a Titan was less fun). I can imagine if they put any kind of serious budget into this it should be pretty fluid and fun to play.

Though her satisfied customers likely had a hard time properly describing her business to others.

Aw but that's a comfy spot to hold her!