
Give him a break, he’s just a kid!

I thought the point was like YouTube’s thumbs, to mitigate the popularity of videos with opposing viewpoints.

It’s a niche feature that offers convenience only in rather specific conditions. Such as a situation where your phone must be out of your pocket, but you’re not using it, and it must be on silent, but you also cannot feel or hear it vibrate.

It's full on flash. Best kind to get your attention. In fact I stopped using this feature because too many times I am trying to use my phone discreetly and then I get a notification...

This. With all this recent shooting it’s surprising there hasn’t already been laws passed to mandate basic firearms training in order to own a gun. My guess is the conservatives think if they allow any kind of restrictions at all it opens the door to take away all gun freedoms.

Well there is no biblical reason the lesser animals could not have evolved over time. Only Adam is distinctly described in the Bible as being created and not born, therefore definitive proof that humanity evolved is needed to debunk creationism, not lesser animals such as whales.

All their bullshit showmanship was pissing me off. EVERY new iPhone is “the most advanced iPhone ever.” And then about the prices. “We’re having the EXACT SAME PRICES as last year.” (Pauses for applause). No fuckin shit we all expected that, how dare you announce it with such panache that is only deserving if you were

Let us take a moment to remember the brave souls who forsook their own hearts to obtain blood from these animals for the cause of science.

I always used a Bluetooth headset...are those not in anymore? Can you take calls with Bluetooth headphones? If nothing else I use the mic for Siri while the phone is charging or in my pocket

It's like the fantasticar was an autobot they managed to kill in the middle of its transformation

This is exactly what I am doing for the same reasons. When I get the 6s+ I wont miss my original iPad Air anymore (the first-ever victim of bendgate when I left it on the floor and stepped on it).

So every other mother gets to choose the race of their baby/father, but she is somehow wrong for wanting the same choice? I would think if she wanted a black baby she would have married a black man.

Combining stuff aside, I really liked the bare bones “DIY” version of minecraft. It peaked when they added wolves, then started going down when they added hunger, magic, a story etc. Too much for me.

Well as he pointed out in the article you really were not supposed to use non-lethal weapons with her cause it wasn't necessary to recruit her.

I was more disappointed that Paz died.

Correct me if I’m wrong but the main portion of the helmet looks misaligned with his face, ie it's shopped on. The chinstrap checks out though.

Holy fuck I forgot what a penchant the japanese have for cyber-organic body horror...(shudders)

No other artist has ever come close .

I once read an article of a guy saying he only got paid $600 for his load. That seems rather low for meeting such strict standards, but perhaps its the price you get for not having to raise the child either.