Those porkchop sandwiches weren't fully cooked. Which is weird because the house certainly was.
Those porkchop sandwiches weren't fully cooked. Which is weird because the house certainly was.
Wilson came out and said he was a bully back in grade school which included beating the shit out of people. But he learned his lesson and that turned him into the Jesus-freak, cuckolded-by-Golden Tate, star QB that he is today.
Well as somebody that had the shit beat out of him by bullies like Wilson growing up, he can…
Holtz: "Why why whyaaaaa I didn't have to deal with these colored people before."
Mark May: <heaves up hands in exasperation>
Cheers mate.
/blasts shout song
Honestly, if we gave him all 6 years, I wouldn't have been shocked if we pulled a Leeds.
Reverse it. Start out drinking the good shit while your palette can still appreciate it, then ride out the buzz with your light beer of choice. I've noticed this helps with the hangover effect due to light beer basically being water.
I feel like this ties in nicely with the "Great Moments in Barf History" post.
You may be on to something here. She actually has run okay as of recent, but this is the most downforce Sprint Cup cars have had, with the huge rear spoiler. I wonder if next year's aero package with less downforce will hurt her.
Casey Mears said the same thing when he came over in that he over-dissected the corners.
My senior year of high school, I thought I had the flu. I was puking up everything solid for 24 hours. Soup, crackers, bread, whatever. Then I figured I would see if I could hold down a green and a purple Fla-Vor-Ice. I puked up green and purple. I got rushed to the doctor's, who informed me I could have appendicitis…
Went to Taco Bell for the first time in a year the morning after my friend's wedding this past weekend. Combined with the immense amount of Sailor Jerry I consumed led to me shitting a viscous black substance of horrific proportions for two days.
In Steve-o's defense, his oatmeal-for-brains probably can't handle much of anything.
sister sites include
He can't mention that in his own column without Mrs. Magary eviscerating him afterwards.
EJ's only up there because they're always cutting to him post-commercial after another boneheaded INT or 3-and-out.
/Bills fan
//bring back Jim Kelly
It wasn't not one
talk about a true Hot Take
I have no idea where you are, but if we ever cross paths, I'll buy you a beer for the trip down memory lane.
<piss>, it was 99 cents