
Galaxies, brother. All the stars.

I bet Charlie Brown never imagined he’d be working for the Great Pumpkin.

Its why I'm here 

So what you’re saying is that I should sell every position in my portfolio and invest 50% in an ultrashort S&P ETF and the other 50% in canned food, guns & ammunition?

the socialist owner of three homes”

So this comes down to;

I get where you’re coming from, but it feels counterproductive when it’s a middle school kid. How about we shame the school into providing more comprehensive anti-racism teaching (books, history, etc)?

No, it’s a kid.  His/her dumbassery is probably mainly his/her parents’ fault at this point.

So does Biden.

I don’t like thinking I’m going to have to hate-vote a candidate into office. Maybe.

....exactly this! PS -- and then I went and got my flu shot, amen.

Am I comfortable? Hell, no! But Mayor Pete wasn’t going to make me comfortable.

Yeah, but I advised you about it in March, so you don’t have to waste the next nine months shoving potatoes in your ass for nothing. 

LOL, I’ve always called this look “Serious Cat” until now

The “Disappointed Husky” design trend strikes again. The rest of the car looks very 500.

People are overreacting.  I live in Tacoma and went Fred Meyer yesterday for some cat food.  Everything was business as usual.  Nobody is freaking out.  Groceries were plentiful.  

I am fully in for the Markles’ (yes, that’s how I will be referring to them, henceforth) pivot from British celebrity to (North) American celebrity, as is the true spirit of the American Revolution.