
What the fuck does global warming have to do with this?

As a former Catholic School student, let me assure you that nuns can be the biggest assholes who ever assholed.

You’re arguing with someone who would rather set themselves on fire than view things in the abstract. Fanatical true believer are insane.

Is anybody still on the side of the GOP?

Naw, he’s using the office redecoration tab as cover to cop some new luggage to replace the set he finally gave up looking for.

I think there’s very little going on inside that is deliberate or even conscious. His strategy for every meeting is to improv his way through it, get back to his TV and bucket of chicken.

“Take the guns first. Go through due process second,” Trump reiterated.

You can’t tell Scalise that his idea would be “a whole new ball game.” He was fucking shot at a ball game.

Impressive username/comment synergy. And an impressive level of aggression from Amazon...fine, I’ll rate my last purchase!

Sometimes I think our obsession with statistics, numbers and broad truths about society clashes with the fact that our justice system is about the individuals involved.

We’ve seen the “pivot to video” fail for, what, like 20 media outlets already?

If he really said, “if a pilot were to actually run the FAA, flights wouldn’t get delayed on the tarmac as frequently” he’s an idiot.

When you refer to Trump’s ‘personal pilot’ above a picture of Marine-1 there could be some confusion. Trump’s lackey in question is one of the people who flew his 757 that has his name on the side and I’m sure the pilot was very loyal and whatever and knew some really fine people.

Additionally, Axios reports, Trump has heavily criticized countries that execute traitors, and also those that have harsh penalties for minor, unimportant crimes like money laundering, tax evasion, fraud, and conspiring with hostile foreign powers.

and that he refers to drug dealers with large-scale operations that reach thousands of customers

“Plus, do you know the quantity of evil that must reside in a man’s heart to causally double-slur a woman to her face? I mean ... damn Burt! Despite his disputes with Obama, Omarosa and Oprah (wait, I’m beginning to sense a pattern here), even Trump hasn’t used the full n-word...

So...umm...no one is going to comment on Ian Walters, huh? That slick back? That mess of scraggle on his chin? That winter tan?

I disliked her years ago because she was just obnoxious, annoying and extremely unfunny. People can say whatever they want about politics and opinions for people like her, Kathy Griffith, and Wanda Sykes especially but those are some terribly unfunny people.

If Mo’Nique’s films were bringing in Kevin Hart dollars the strength of Mo’Nique alone, they would have put up with her.