
I laughed in a “This dude is so out of touch but damn if he doesn’t keep trying so fucking hard to fake it” sort of way. You would think after all these years in politics he would be better at it. But he’s not. Good old Mittens is always good for this sort of thing. Terribly predictable in that way.

You should read about Rogers Commission and Richard Feynman*. Feynman was a Nobel prize winning theoretical physicist, and the person largely responsible for exposing the O-ring issue. He also exposed the flaws in NASA’s mentality by threatening to remove his name from the Rogers Commission report if it didn’t contain

Not really. This is a text that describes her taking part in a debating challenge.

“Why not both?” ;-)

You think taking time off work to spend with a sick or injured kid is free? Where do you think this is? Sweden?

I agree - each parent should also get $6 million

Supporting point:

I like how in my area of the country that electrician and plumbing apprenticeships want 2-3 years prior experience and offer wages slightly better than retail. Then these business owners go on NPR to complain about how they can’t get people interested in working a trade anymore.

During the tail end Great Recession, there was a wonderful article written about the problem of “Purple Squirrel candidates”. The premise being that at least part of the reason why there was such a seeming disconnect in 2012-2014 between available job applications and actual hiring was because HR had fundamentally

So what you are saying is a van got slammed into by an out of control Honda and autonomous controls had nothing to do with the wreck.

*Eurobeat intensifies*

I love when people take the time to write that they don’t have the time to write about something.

And as always, Maggie Haberman was the Ground Zero of Dumbass Motherfucker Tweets on this topic. Motherfuck the New York Times.

going to pick up Frank from a team full of assassins...what does she think she’s going to do, shoot back with her nonexistent gun?

The kid would have been named: Covfefe.

So, where was the good guy with a Ryder van? That’s all I’m saying.

My whole city was wiped out. I only survived because I was at a College Republicans conference out of town.

Huh, by this standard the year I spent drinking in Korea counts as serving in the Gulf War. Trust me, I saw some shit go down! I lost a lot of buddies, I found them in the morning, usually passed out in the hall, but for a couple of hours, I lost them.

Word has floated around for a few years that he actually fucked up during his service and his history certainly has some gaps.