
Anti-clown propaganda spread by mimes.

They were shaken up by that? He didn’t pull a gun or a knife or anything? Were they high?

The article would have been so much better if he passed out and was found alive in the morning

You guys are dicks. What if that’s not a bag, and he just looks like that? I know someone with bagface and it’s no laughing matter.

Sup, Putin.

Odds that his briefing notes had “DON’T USE THE PHRASE ‘MISSION ACCOMPLISHED’” at the top of them?

“Let he who is without pee pass the first kidney stone.”

Actually poor irony had almost no work to do in D.C any longer, it got just too damn easy to find it now, so Trump fired irony and replaced him with idiocy, we will be seeing a lot more of idiocy unfortunately.

I’m interested to know why you think it’s important that youth in America are not educated about this specific European genocide that happened almost 80 years ago? We don’t teach them about the Ukrainian & Kazakh genocides, the Cambodian genocide, or any of the other smaller genocides in the middle east and Africa.

On Sunday, I hope Stephanopoulos asks him “On November 8, 2016, having realized that you single-handedly delivered the US presidency to a nincompoop (who eventually fired you) by publicly reopening the Clinton e-mails probe, did you consider drowning yourself in the ocean?”

The thing is, Comey still should have been fired or at least resigned over his handing of the Clinton emails. The fact that Trump fired him as a way to try and end the investigation into Russian meddling only turned him into some martyr.

You’re assuming Autopilot takes complete control of the car, but it doesn’t. Some idiot drove the same spot in a Tesla with Autopilot wrong and when the car started to veer into the attenuator he grabbed the steering wheel and steered right. So had the driver been paying attention he wouldn’t have killed himself.

Ugh, stop with the “they’re responsible because they called it autopilot” crap. Driver = moron. He even admitted to knowing this stretch of road was dangerous. Tesla calling it “advanced cruise control” wouldn’t change a damn thing on how people integrate with this new technology which some humans will never be bright

My hot taek: it’s irresponsible for journalists to quote small phrases from Trump (like in the chyron up top) because it erroneously creates the impression in viewers that he is communicating discernible thoughts and opinions rather than vomiting world salad. His words should never be presented in a form shorter than

And he wasn’t “floored” or “flummoxed.” He handled being verbally attacked in a public forum the way any politician would handle it.

Why? Did he suffer a personal loss? Has he been the victim of a crime or an accident? Has he fallen ill? The answer is no to all those questions. He allegedly committed multiple crimes (multiple DUI, vandalism, dv). At what point do you stop feeling sorry for the perpetrator and start worrying about the victims?

Do you really think it is fair to judge a guy based on the things he does?

Everything wrong with vehicle shows.

If you were on a perfectly straight deserted road with a perfectly painted white line, it would also require no intervention from the driver.

People still need licenses to drive which means they should have experience driving. People still make more mistakes than autopilot. A person driving plus autopilot should be safer than either one separately. If people choose to ignore the warnings/trick autopilot into thinking they are paying attention, then people