
Ich bin ein berliner.

Where exactly are we? What wonders have been produced by the conversation so far? What glorious deals, what significant changes in the behaviour of nations? What magnificent breakthroughs?

This is why you are stupid because you say things without thought or understanding. There is a valid reason for having boots with both laces and a side zipper.

Dear Hot Take,

Fucking Monica should have kept her mouth shut, both before voluntarily and enthusiastically snarffling Bill Clinton’s cock on multiple occasions and before opening her stupid mouth to cry and complain to a confidante who just happened to be a Republican axe-grinder with a grudge as big as her ass.

So Rod Blagojevich was impeached and went to jail because he wanted a little taste of something in return for a Senate seat.

Fucking engineers or engineer wannabes. A bunch of fucking autist derplords who will worry a point to death like a dog gnawing a bone.

If they are actually rabid. Cops and animal control officers (when armed) pretty much think any animal they come across is acting funny and is probably rabid because they really want an excuse to fire their guns. That’s because many of them are assholes who like shooting guns and killing animals.

Lot of African Americans acting like African Americans there. Not too many Wipipo. Wiizzdat?

Why not?

How much do you pay in school taxes in that district, dorkwad? Nothing.

At a costume party a real moose once came in second to the Berkowitzes, a married couple dressed as a moose.

How about “jewed her down.” Would that work?

TESLA you fucking dipshits. T*E*S*L*A

My ass takes the lead over your ass after your ass chokes the chicken repeatedly.

Nice boat.

Now I’m no medical expert. But if I were a doctor I would have removed the tumor by the time it was say 50 lbs. 135 lbs seems like an awfully long time to wait.

“The rebirth of Vine just isn’t going to happen...”

After investigation the Waymo AI was found to have 3 unpaid parking tickets, an expired registration sticker, and a previous citation for looking only one way while crossing an intersection with a stop sign.