
“the damage to Meeke’s car was damaged”

This is every manufacturer of every product.

1. Sabre

The stupidest among us used to die at much earlier ages. Protecting morons from their own moronic impulses is a relatively recent concept.

Yeah, how about no.

If some whack-job shows up at my house...

“Local area man found dead in his home. Crime scene investigators have determined that the victim was shot while charging a home intruder with a ninja sword. Victim’s neckbeard, while unusually thick, was insufficient to stop the gunfire.”


Sounds like my first time.

So you’re saying it’ll hold extra appeal in the Sun Belt then?

The corruption of our youth by Canadians will not stop unless we halt this ice-dancing filth in its track. What’s next? They pause in the middle of their seductive dance to hand out leaflets on the need for a universal health-care system?

Right? So what if he didn’t stand for the anthem of a country that he feels doesn’t respect him or those that look like him? How else would you create change in the world without a brave man like Mike Pence, who literally saved the world from nuclear annihilation with a look, taking a knee for things he believes in?

Hello mother. Last time I checked, the games are in SK.

North and South Korea(who are our allies, btw) are a unified delegation for the Olympics. Maybe being the bigger man and standing for our allies should mean more than trying to stick to ole’ Un, no?

HamNo isn’t poor, but he’s definitely a mouthpiece for workers and the middle class. Your snide bullshit may give you the giggles for a second, but pop off with your class traitor nonsense in real life, and dare I say, one of us poors might take umbrage.

You’re either a friend of the working class, or no. Too many people in that 100-350k class don’t understand that they’re actually closer to the poor and middle class than they will EVER be to the actual 1%. Hell, even the real 5%. But those are just the frustrated millionaires that will vote to decrease taxes on the

The US has less social mobility than Europe. Your opportunities are defined by your wealth. I find your suggestion we ignore that absurd.

If someone is making a million dollars a year in their own (or any) business, they are rich. I don’t give a damn how much “working guy” bullcrap you try to wrap their wealth in ... if they make the money, they are rich.

Sadly, I think a lot of “normal” people would have no problem with this. People abandon or kill pets that become inconvient without a second thought all the fucking time — they just usually have the good sense not to seek out reporters to pretend they’re the victims of their own acts of animal abuse.

Not if he was on his own property. I grew up in a semi-rural area where many people have small amounts of acreage and people don’t usually bring their phone and wallet to go do tasks on their own property. And leaving a back door unlocked while you do it isn’t unusual either.