
The NY Post ran pics of the family, which seems really dodgy to me since it seems at least plausible that there could be a victim of a sex crime in that sibling group given the 2 year old baby. At any rate, it is really disturbing. The picture can’t be very old; the baby is in the picture. Not a one of them looks over

My reading of that situation was that it was all consensual and he supported her and the child financially along with the money he was paying her for her maid work. Not saying it couldn’t have been a skeevy power imbalance thing, it just seems odd that at the time (when a powerful man basically could get away with

I hate to say this...but I see an X-Files “home” situation here. If the oldest child is 29, and the mother is 49, and there is a 2 year old child, I’m betting the 2 year old didn’t come from the 47 year old being pregnant. 

It’s tough having to pay attention to what is being done and said by the characters, isn’t it? I assume that you hate The French Connection too? That whole “gritty realism ” thing they did back then was just so stupid when they could be blowing shit up. C’mon Irv, what the hell is that?

Raph, it’s a 1960s police procedural with a few character quirks and odd twists. It has a certain, appropriately glum vibe. It’s not supposed to be a video game.

IDK, I’m not a gun owner or a police officer.

The officer almost got run over.

I can’t blame him for having his weapon drawn, and assuming the suspect was hostile.

we can’t distinguish between sexuality and sexualization.

You must never get black ice. The snow isn’t what the studs are for, it’s when a perfectly clear looking stretch of highway is a solid sheet of ice that the studs help. I would say that perhaps because your area doesn’t need them doesn’t mean places further north or people who live close to lakes in the winter might

14day forecast

Just a Buick enthusiast that likes Cake, whats wrong with that?

My hometown is so boring that all the teenagers park their cars on the far side of the grocery store parking lot and just... hang out there.

They’re too busy on their phone-machines trying to score the pot!

“Who knows what will happen next? No, seriously. I’m asking.”

It’s the old “Follow your dreams”, or “How I took a year to backpack accross Europe”. It’s the bread and butter of people who makes a living from giving seminars on how to be as successful as them (Spoiler: the answer is “living of giving seminars on how to be as successful as them”).

69-degree angle

Well it’s subjective, really, so it’s very difficult to train a dog that can spot bad art, let alone one that can do it across mediums. Starting with A Friend In Need is well-known technique, but then you end up with lots of false positives.

You are aware that many people get payed cash for their employment? Anyone that works in the service industry & relies on tips as part of their income has cash on their person.

Monitoring isn’t drain preventing. If it were they wouldn’t call it monitoring, it would be called stopping fucks who try and take your money. Monitoring is watching it happen then letting you know how much you are on the hook for because you didn’t carefully read the TOS you signed

I am honestly fascinated at how minds like yours work. Card only transactions, pah-dum pah-dum something something socialism never works? Is there just a whole bunch of pulleys and wires in your head that shovel every conceivable input into the tube marked “duh stupid lefties”?