
Why the fuck does any comment here matter? Why does it matter if I disagree with you?

trumps going to disown Eric, adopt Stephen, marry Ivanka, kill Jared and fuck Bannon.

It all hinges on whether Gary Busey’s paternity test comes back positive or not.

He’s not trying to convince anyone of anything. He’s trying to show Daddy Donald that he’s the most loyal henchman and deserves a fancy escort.

I was sitting about 15 feet away from the spot where it happened. Agreed. Failed wrap up. Maybe a flagrant 1. Didn’t merit an ejection.

tell me, how did you get entitled to UHC? and are you closer or further from it now?

She wasn’t entitled to your vote. She earned it, and anyone with any understanding of the world would realize the alternative was what we ahve now.

Oh good the both sides are bad so vote republican guy showed up.

On her worst day Hillary was better than Trump on his best.

I would like to extend a hearty “Fuck you,” to every person that voted him into office. This includes all the Susan Sarandons of the world.

Ronald Reagan playbook and screaming mental stability

Clearly the body also has a limited amount of smart-energy, and Trump is trying to use as little of it as possible.

Maybe he’s just a Conehead?

Oh please, not Surya Bonaly Trutherism again. The backflip was banned in the late 1970's, long before she was on the scene, which didn’t stop her from doing a practice backflip inches from Midori Ito’s face(for which she was almost thrown out of the Olympics), “Accidentally” running into people in practice sessions

Why would we Americans do things the way you people do, with your big government and your 120% income taxes? Our way is the best! We are exceptional. Please go back to waiting for us to bomb you for your own good, to save you from the rest of the world. You’re welcome.

Journalists are already pointing out several glaringly dubious anecdotes in the excerpts—like Trump responding “Who’s that?” at a mention of John Boehner, the former House Speaker he for years publicly criticized—which seem like a stretch even for this administration.

It looks like she’s preparing to sing about the color of the wind.

If there was any justice in the world, she would be a wealthy widow by now

Thank God what’s happening in Puerto Rico could never happen in these here United States. Who is the president of Puerto Rico, anyway? Whoever it is should be ashamed.

When I am Queen, everyone will go back to a Victorian e-mail/text schedule, unless it’s an emergency. The Victorians got their mail, to which they would often write out a reply immediately, four times a day, spread out approximately evenly from around 7 in the morning to around 8 at night. If you read novels, or