No, no. He took healthcare away from the vegetable, and ate our future.
No, no. He took healthcare away from the vegetable, and ate our future.
Okay, I’m “acting like it aint”. Now what are you going to do about it?
My in-laws aren’t worried at all that their Medicare might be on the line once the bill for these tax cuts come through. Their taxes are going down by a whole $50 next year, while Obama made them give up their guns, pray to the east five times a day, and say “happy holidays!” I’m saying I think I’ll be sick before the…
Saying the 2016 election “spoke” for whites (huge numbers of whom didn’t vote for Trump) is as useless as saying it spoke for America as a whole. Because Trump won the election then all Americans must love Trump, right? Or because Clinton won the popular vote America spoke and we are all Democrats now, right? The…
New commercial...
I’d like to see Trump take on the famous “Veni, vidi, vici”.
The latest episode of the popular Japanese anime Inuyashiki features a planet destroying asteroid signaling impending doom... and a short clip of the US President calling everyone losers and that nothing matters now so go do whatever.
We deserve to be embarrassed every day for this. We deserve to have our place in international diplomacy weakened. Why the fuck should any other country look to a place that elected Donald Fucking Drumpf as president.
I’m torn. On the one hand, each case SHOULD be handled individually. On the other hand, it is a bad look for the Times, especially since the Vox piece seems to detail things that are more than just offensive bad judgment. I don’t know what to make of this.
Um....we all acknowledge that they are fucked, right?
Everyone knows you don’t fuck around and you should just stick with classic chicken or beef flavors for a new heart valve.
See how the red paper is not permanently affixed to the card? He expects that these will be framed by everyone who receives it. It’s likely 11x14 which is a fairly common picture size to be framed. This is absolutely to feed his oversized ego because he thinks that anything from him will be memorialized forever by the…
Doesn’t it look like he signed Melania’s name too? It’s kind of like my nephew, who used to sign the name of everyone in his family (and the dog, with a pawprint, of course) on every card he sent. He was very excited about writing.
And it’s not like any of them are billionaire donors to either party.
Well with Trump shipping them out by the bus load the Democrats are seeing their voting base removed. No need to get support from a base that is disappearing right?
Apparently, Fisher Price steam punk makes you look like more of an asshole than Victorian steam punk. Glad we locked that down.
I show cats. The problem with your cat has nothing to do with the breed. It sounds as if the dam either had poor parenting skills, or the kitten was removed from the dam too soon. Toiletry habits are 100% taught to the kitten by the dam, and it sounds like this didn’t happen with your cat. The fact that it is a…
I’m wondering instead if it’s because that’s not how laws work and the President has no authority whatsoever to just “remove” a law that has already been passed.