
Yo, Michael Steele! The ghost of Steve Gilliard says Hi and is sending you a package of Oreos in remembrance of things past.

It was the pure lefters that fucked shit up and own Prez Trump. It was the Clinton haters, the Jill Stein lovers, the libertarian derpers, and the Bernie buttheads.

Given that the Japanese are generally racist and discriminate enthusiastically against non-Japanese, and have a number of stereotypical denigrating characteristics they enjoy applying to Americans particularly, I’m not too upset about a little Nip-mocking.

Nice guns Jocelyn Wildenstein.

Hope’s done it with Gorka. That Continental charm bowled her over and the mustache and beard tickle real good.

Oh Jordan. Nobody respects you.

I’m confused here by what I’m seeing. There’s a road on the other side of the barricades which looks kind of OK-ish, with some sand on it and it appears one or two people are stuck in even that. So this bunch of idiots choose to avoid the road with a little sand on it, and decide it’s a better idea to head right into

You are correct sir. Every place is like your place.

Man those AUTONOMOUS robots really suck at skiing down a gentle slope and staying upright and missing obstacles. I hope those robots are not AUTONOMOUSLY driving home after their demonstration event. Do they even AI? Deep learning? More like deep in a pile of snow learning if you ask me. Or maybe Derp Learning.

Hey Brenda, do you remember when Gawker loved themselves some Weev? Lot of breathless posts celebrating his hackertude and extolling his exploits and pranks. Sure would be nice if you called up some of the old gang and had them apologize for sympathizing with a Nazi and raked them over the coals for their ethical

“Pull the other one Myrtle.”

Okay, OK, OK. How about the little match girl who refurbishes used matches and sells them on the street corner, making $81,000 per annum? Does she deserve the guillotine?

Perhaps he could carry a separate but equal flag, at the back of the American contingent. Also someone give him some Gold Bond ointment for his #HurtyButt.

Man, look at those eathletes. Finely honed specimens each and every one. They seem a little short. I guess that’s lack of exposure to sunlight.


I see you trolling.

Animal Rescue organizations have better things to do than to drop everything and come rushing over to relieve someone of an inconvenient pet. They don’t do pickups and drop-offs.

Knock knock.

Knock knock.

20 seconds of inept random flailing and several minutes of wandering around with some gay hugging and kissing. This was a lot like my cousin Eugene’s sex life. Except for the referees.