@EdmontonJack? More like @EdmontonJackoff.
@EdmontonJack? More like @EdmontonJackoff.
I’m having trouble deciding if this is naive tripe or pretentious twaddle. It is certainly jejune.
Damn, those are some motherfucking WHITE teeth. Put some sunglasses on your mouth man, them teeth are blinding me. Turn down the high beams.
Having cluttered up my kitchen counter Kinja Deals
Having cluttered up my kitchen counter Kinja Deals
As long as they pay for it, what’s the problem?
That general boy smell is not farts, although that may be a small component. It’s stale jizz. There’s no sure cure for it because it’s continuously replenished several times daily.
Good try so I clicked the recommend, but falls a little short of the mark. Better would have been:
It’s time that we faced the fact that our world is a flawed design. The problem is that women have vaginas and tits and that men need access to vaginas and tits. Society has changed in such a way that the old transactional relationships which facilitated the required imperfect market mechanism to bridge this dichotomy…
It’s very unfortunate. It can’t be helped.
Recognizing that Deadspin is the ideal place for personal reflections and anecdotes I thought I would share my experiences anent the Baseball Hall of Fame.
Continuous testing didn’t kill someone. A driver while being distracted and not paying attention to the road killed someone.
Golly that watch sounds wonderful, and I’m really happy for you. I want a watch just like that, so I can marry it and have its babies. I would even accept a douchey looking hipster/millenial twerplord as a life partner if he came with a hybrid smart watch as part of the deal. Please send me pictures of your dick and…
Man, talk about the fucking irony:
Aki le van szarva, ne ficánkoljon.
For simple people like yourself everything is simple, it’s all black and white — no inbetween.
I approve this message.
Having a touch screen on a coffee machine is obviously stupid and poor engineering.
“E pur si muove”