
Shitty Kinja, go eat shit:

Man I can’t wait for good old Darryl down at his garage troubleshooting LIDAR accuracy failures and intermittent mesh network communications issues. “Hey Daryl, I think my number 8 CPU cluster is showing too high a utilization rate, can you tune that sucker up for me? Oh and last Tuesday the car thought Old Granny

In his last 2 years Lame Duck Obama turned into the president he should have been for the previous 6 years. Willing to get angry, willing to speak forthrightly, willing to offend. He was, and still is a cool guy.

The Playboy videos were soft-core, rolling around naked with big titties stuff. There was no penetration, no cock-sucking, no fucking. To be porn you have to have fucking and sucking.

Reign in you’re fury, Capt. Grammar. The offense doesn’t jive with the intensity of you’re reaction.

Finally! Thank God. I feel a whole lot safer now.

The header graphic image is better than this post.

In that case 100,000 years of history counts as a prelude. There’s no need to elevate a relative blip like Gamergate to a position of significance, no matter how much fury it generated in the comment section of Jezebel.

So we have you to thank for the Trumpenpresident? You didn’t vote at all or did a protest vote for Jill Stein? Thanks S-Hole!

The moron presidentr said it. It was funny then, it is funny now, and it will always be funny — no matter how much you sniff in disdain.

4 Watt, 4 Watt, 4 Watt ...

Trump is going to have to pull some really fucked up shit to beat Ol’ Man Bush puking on the Japanese Prime Minister back then.

Let’s stop pussyfooting around it, and trying to excuse or explain it. Let’s call a spade a spade, and identify this disgusting exercise in coercion and oppression for what it is. Rape.

It is important to use multiple products when shaving. The most expensive products are the best products. For several thousand years people have scraped the hair off various parts of their body any old way using crude implements. Now technology has solved this non-problem by making it possible to turn something simple

Have some consideration please, fighter guy. If you are going to leak blood out of your asshole in a fight at least wear dark shorts or shove a tampon up your pooter.

clearly different expectations for “gritty medieval fantasy” vs. “kids investigate supernatural mystery”

Unless you are Canadian you have no raccoon in this fight, so fuck off, eh.

Maybe you could pump a dictionary? Stop raping...the English language.

Gold is a professional writer, and an English raper.

He raped my dog. He’s pure evil. His click is evil too. They also raped my dog. Fucking Hollywood dog rapers. They should all be fixed. Then maybe the healing could start.