
Screw Amazon.  I’m glad I got off Prime and shop local now.  It’s just not worth making this prick any wealthier.  Eat the rich!

Russian Olive is a bastard, seriously wicked, evil plant.  Those thorns are terrible.  

I turn the television off if Steve Harvey comes on.  He’s a bigot.  

Elite Dangerous.  I just couldn’t figure it out.  It might have had more to do with the very small font I couldn’t read as my eyesight is terrible anymore.  I really wanted to love this game.  

That was civil behavior, something you don’t often see on the internet.  Thank you.

I didn’t get that from his statement, I almost think he’s telling his “supporters” what to do.  I used to think Trump was dumb as dirt but I’m beginning to wonder.  Oh yeah, and fuck Falwell and any other “christian” that considers this behavior acceptable.  

The entire time I worked in Custer State Park I was expecting some kind of accident involving the bison there.  Every day we had animals on the campus of the Youth Forestry Camp where I worked with juveniles.  We even had one almost walk in an open door of the dorm while the boys were watching a movie.  The funny

So glad I finally cut the Amazon cord.  I don’t miss a thing!

So glad I finally cut the Amazon cord.  I don’t miss a thing!

I’ve been a “cat person” since college, when my room-mate quit college early and moved back to Colorado.  In over 40 years I’ve never done more or less than treat my friends kindly and it seems to have worked.  I’ve had the pleasure of being a friend to many wonderful cats, most of whom choose me.  I can’t help

Would anyone on here know how to fix a “stuck shutter” on a Canon Power Shot S2 IS?  All I get is a black screen, but I can see all the settings and review previous pics so it’s not the display.  I finally get something capable of taking a decent macro and now this.  If I have to send it somewhere, well I can’t afford

My father, who was a wonderful, kind man. was terrified of rodents.  He would literally stand on a chair.  Which looked pretty silly as he was also a large man.  He told me a story of pitching hat in a hayloft and having a large rat run up one pants leg and down the other. You kids don’t know how good you have it.  I


If you’ve watched his ads you know enough to realize he’s one of the worst.  He brags that he supports the “president,” and he pushes all the buttons for the party faithful.  It’s a damn shame most people can’t think for themselves and seriously consider the people who “represent” them.  This is just another scammer

I really hope things improve for this family but “Texas?”  I haven’t lived there since I was a kid so I’m hoping things have improved.  

Man I wish I had a kid or two to do this with.  True story- I used to work as a counselor at Sky Ranch for Boys, 80 miles from nowhere in western SD.  I liked trying to introduce them to hobbies and one year we got into rockets.  These were the kits that used a solid propellant engine they sold at hobby stores.  With

I haven’t been able to go caving in years but every once in a while that wonderful odor will “welcome me back,” usually after a rainstorm.  I’m really hoping we can “choose” where we go after we die.  Assuming of course, there’s anything there to begin with. 

Is the basic game (Destiny 2 ) worth buying for solo play?  I’ve actually seen it on Amazon for as low as $9.  

Okay, I get it now.  Thank you!

I guess I’m older than both of you. I started in high school in the early 70's. The way I remember it (and I have an excellent memory) was a “lid” was three fingers (an ounce) and about $15. a dime bag was two fingers and $10. A nickel bag was half that. Either I got really lucky or I knew the right people but we

I can see the guys at 3rd and 2nd, but where’s the third out?  Be gentle please, I don’t know baseball.