
Giving the reliability and transitory ‘status’ of ‘games as a service’ that publishers like Ubisoft has shown us, I believe I speak for every gamer when I say, “Fuck right off,” in response to Ubisoft’s newest asinine idea.

Having worked in QA I can say that the majority of the time they’ve found those bugs before, but frequently dev will punt bugs because it’s a no-repro or low occurrence rate and willing to just allow a few players encounter it (aka “fingers crossed cert doesn’t find it!”).

I would be much happier if they could just fix the basic gameplay on PS5.  I can’t be the only one with numerous corrupt saves and game crashes on a daily basis.  I’m beginning to believe these game companies aren’t testing their games before release and just relying on the customers input to test their work.  I

I think the big thing that most soulslikes fail at is how interconnected and web-like the world is in Dark Souls, it’s (for me) the most interesting part- the exploration in a freaky as fuck and pretty damn unique fantasy world. The combat for me was always just something to overcome so I can continue exploring, so

Why is it that Ubisoft seems incapable of being in front of decisions they themselves make? Every time they end up with outraged players and fear mongering headlines because they couldn’t be bothered to send out a press release that just said “Due to the EU regulation on data privacy and security we will be suspending

god I read the headline and was afraid they were getting rid of old.reddit. Regular reddit is so fucking bad, like I literally don’t understand why it exists. But I guess it follow the standard internet pattern of taking something that is simple, elegant, and useful and changing it to something ugly and hard to use.

Always love how these hypocrites always claim marriage as “sacred” and then shit all over the “sacredness” with the highest cases of infidelity and divorce, yup real sacred there guys. 

Worlds most insecure man continues expensive meltdown.

If Twitter and Musk somehow destroyed each other then it’d be a fantastic piece of MAD. Both stink, both toxic, both inexplicably part of the public consciousness. Eat the rich.

It’s fucking crazy. Literally anything to avoid the discomfort of personal growth. They’re the weakest motherfuckers alive, and they’ve decided that they’re actually the “alphas.”

There’s nothing more pathetic than some incel simping for Musk. Seek help.

Fucker owns it for less than a week and is already tweeting conspiracies...

We are truly in the dumbest stage of capitalism. 

Last time I purchased a Madden game it was 18...with Antonio Brown on the cover for $17 during a flash sale Bestbuy had in October of that year.

As a person new to these games, I really appreciate the approach they seem to take of making the game more fun, rather than more difficult and less fun. Buffing magic stuff, particularly, makes me really want to get back in and complete a NG+ and stomp some dudes.

The American Taliban is above the law.

“I’m sick of sitting on the sidelines waiting for great games to appear,’ the YouTuber said. ‘Now I want to get in there and help make it happen.’

still wont watch a video for this.  please bring back the list.

You know what feature I would kill for right now? I would love for the PS Store to allow me to completely filter out shovelware and terrible games by either name or development company that always clog up the first couple pages of new releases in the store.

After a few deathroots he aggros you on his own. “Kill” him and he’ll apologise and go back to being a vendor