
I would be much happier if they could just fix the basic gameplay on PS5.  I can’t be the only one with numerous corrupt saves and game crashes on a daily basis.  I’m beginning to believe these game companies aren’t testing their games before release and just relying on the customers input to test their work.  I

My Honda Hondamatic was the best bike I’ve ever owned. I used to take it on trails in the Black Hills all the time. It was a great road bike also. I wish they still made them. Put it in low and that bike would climb like a goat. Two speeds low and high.  They just dont make them like that anymore.

Go ahead Ubisoft, delete my account.  Your games all suck anymore anyway.  The last three Far Cry games have been complete clones, only changing a few skins here or there.  I can’t think of a better strategy to lose more customers. 

They kill Old Reddit and I am through.  Kind of like this place, I hardly ever come here anymore. 

Thank you all for the information.  I would have never figured this out on my own. 

I’d just like to know why that Bestial Clergy guy who takes your bood roots is suddenly aggro’d and impossible to interact with.  I can’t even enter the building without being killed all of a sudden.  I never hit him or did anything to cause this. 

Thank you so much.  I needed a new source.  I have to feed that addiction I guess.  All my cats are gone now so I get my fill from watching other people’s cats!  Thank you for taking the time to do that.

About done with TikTok.  Went on there for the cat videos but lately it seems like mostly ads and videos that make me wish this planet was all over. 

Good.  It couldn’t happen to a worse company. 

Thanks, so I guess I’m not alone. 

Just wait until you reach maximum storage on an item and the game pauses and response from you until you can push X and rid the screen of the text message.  I’ve died more to this than any boss in the game.  Seriously, I wish they would fix that. 

I’ve tried that.  Even removed my extension and tried without.  It is so frustrating especially with a new laptop.  Thanks.

Sure would like to watch these videos.  I have a laptop thats less than a year old and all I get is a dark screen.  Not sure whats wrong but I would like people to know that new Lenovo computers are total garbage.  I’ve bought them for years but they really suck now. 

Thank you very much. 

I sure would be grateful if someone told me what that little tailor guy even does.  It only shows the astrolger coat that came with the astrolger class and nothing really changes?

I “like” how you brush off the horrible small text like it isn’t important.  For those of us who are “sight impared” it’s actually critical.  Just something to consider. 

Seems all good except the Lenovo laptop. I’ve had Lenovo’s most of my life but the latest models really suck. I’ve had a new one for about a year but I will never buy another. The touchpad is the worst and the computer runs much worse than my XP laptop. It takes 5 minutes to even shut it down at night. It’s like

Seems all good except the Lenovo laptop. I’ve had Lenovo’s most of my life but the latest models really suck. I’ve

Perhaps someone could explain the difference between bigger and better. After wasting $60 on the turd that was FarCry 6 I will never even consider another purchase from them until they figure it out.

I guess I’m done updating the game for now. I have no urge to make a difficult game even more difficult.  Every chance to nerf this game with exploits is fine in my book. 

I’ll be honest. I love the adventure aspect but the mechanics behind the game are not explained well; either by the game itself or the information found on sites like this. I’m not sure what level I am at but I’ve put in probably over 10 hours and I still can’t figure out how to use either ashes of war or spirit