
I used to have a Timex Sinclair.  The programs for games were stored on cassete tapes.  Remember those?  On the job I prepared progress reports on 5 and 1/2 inch floppies.  I think it was 5 and 1/2 inch....anyway they were a pain and could easily get corrupted by dirt or magnets.   Amazing how far we’ve come.

The only one of these I found was tinnitus.  I can’t find anything under “difficulty,” never even saw the setting.  Honestly I don’t know why they don’t give you the option to save without playing for hours. 

Too bad it doesn’t have the same effect on politicians.

Wait, what?  I put the game down too early I guess.

Exactly like.  I don’t believe he’s faced ANY consequences for what happened.  They threatened to impeach him but as you probably know SD is as red as it gets and the legislature and our asshole governor did nothing. 

It’s worked well so far. 

Do you have to have PS+ to play Among Us?  I’m not into multiplayer but thought it might be interesting.

I will probably not make any friends here but I finally bought one off Ebay.  I was trying to hold out and not reward the scalpers but my health is not the best and I figured it might be my only opportunity.  I paid $200 more than I would have paid in a store.  For that $200 I am able to play Demon Souls again with

This kind of bullshit is the biggest reason I won’t use Edge or any of the crapware Windows 10 insists on pushing.  I would still be on WinXP if I could.  Every “new” windows gets worse with this behavior. 

Yes.  Unbelievable how some things never change. 

I really hope this works out for you. I know I would have moved heaven and hell to stay with my cats.  They saved my life on more than one occasion.  I’m older now and lost all four of them in the last two years to old age but my thoughts are with you.  Good luck to you!

I’d be happy if the Playstation store would give you the download size of a game you are considering buying. I have yet to find anything listing how large the game is, an important consideration to buyers. We dont even get screenshots anymore on some games.

I felt the same.  In fact I’m a little bit peeved they are asking $60 for games they’ve sold three or four times already.  Just another money grab. 

If only they wouldn’t wear those tight coveralls, lord what’s a man to do with such temptation? I would gladly give up the three congressmen currently “representing” South Dakota.  None of them have ever done anything for the state. 

At one point in my life I had a relationship with a psychic.  She actually made a good living channeling an archangel.  People paid large sums of money to have her answer business and personal “problems.”  She often used a crystal on a thread for quick decisions.  I was so “twitterpated” by her looks I ignored my

It just happens when you go  in a camp.  You don’t need to do anything.  But you could go kill me some alligators, I need them but damn if I can find them.  I gave up after getting mauled by a small forest creature and drawing unwanted attention from a boat. 

Fixed this for you, or hiding their wealth in the South Dakota,” you’re welcome.

I found Deathloop almost impossible to play. Half of the information in the game is delivered in the world’s smallest font, with no way to make it bigger. I will admit I’m far from the average consumer as my eyesight is extremely miopic but it sure would be nice for developers to consider people like me. I know about

Just wait until the entire crust slips and the continents move swiftly to new positions. Charles Hapgood wrote a book on his theory and in my eyes it goes a long way towards explaining strange evidence like the quick frozen mammoths and the extinction of previous civilizations. After this last year and a half I amost

Shit.  I just bought a subscription to Express VPN.  This is another fine mess...