
Still greyed?  Screw you Gizmodo.  

I’m not sure how old you are Janet but in my experience I would have never bought a sandwich bag filled with “ground up plant.”  Thankfully, at least in the Midwest, it never happened.  Even when I a young man I was only offered noticeable buds (three fingers laid across the bag was a lid) and almost always of

The finest cat I’ve ever known was named Mau and I miss him every day.  He knew his name and I’m sure he was the one who came up with it in the first place.  He was the gentlest creature I ever met, he literally wouldn’t hurt a fly. 

This.  He would never survive a full frontal assault on his bullshit.  He would stroke out.  

NATO won’t be in NATO much longer.  Which is what our “great leader” and his handlers actually want.  

“I THINK I could turn and live with animals, they are so placid and self-contain’d;I stand and look at them long and long.”

If anyone knows treason, it’s this idiot.  



It’s online and multiplayer only, is that correct?

You might have sold me.  I was on the fence.  Too many descriptions and my eyesight isn’t great anymore.  Can you play without reading everything?

Those pictures are wonderful.  

Thank you for the link.  

Follow the money....

God I hope that’s true.  Rodgers seems like one of the few truly nice guys in sports.  

I’d like to, but it would mean interacting with my neighbors and that just isn’t going to happen.  Besides I’m kind of getting used to the isolation.  

It amazes me that you can’t block these dipshits on a regular land line.  That’s all I have and I get several every day.  I started just yelling expletives into the phone but I really screwed that up when I got a 2 AM call from someone I didn’t know and it turned out to be a nurse calling about an accident with my

South Dakota has been a “right to work” state since I was a kid. The best paying job I had when I was a young man was at the state cement plant which had the Steelworkers union until Janklow broke it.  I think about that quite a bit on my morning walks as I pass really crappy beat up cars that shouldn’t even be on

Agree with this.  Just found out how screwed up my neighbor is the other day when he let a racist comment “slip” and then looked at me for encouragement or something.  I tried to remain calm and told him I was really disappointed in him.  I’m not surprised, I am in the middle of a Red state but i was hoping there was

Glad to see you back Mike!