
He couldn’t be doing a better job of screwing up things than if he was intentionally trying to hurt the planet. Seriously, maybe David Icke has been telling the truth all these years.

So glad summer is on the way. I know how the plants I grow in my garden are treated. Produce in the US just isn’t safe anymore. The bacteria are one thing but it’s the pesticides that worry me.

I can’t even imagine. The hate tossed at this young man for trying to make things better just makes me sick. They don’t even bother to debate his views on gun control, they just attempt to bully him into compliance.

He’s a pathological liar. I worked with young people with behavioral problems for years and it’s just so familiar. He lies just to see if he can get away with it. Half the country keeps allowing him to do so.

Crap, now I have to go find the tape. Thanks.

I’d be happy to just get back my house, it was a fine house.

I often wonder how we would even recognize an “alien” species. The life on this planet has demonstrated there are few niches they won’t fill. From the simplest organism to the most complex life finds a way.

That is a wonderful joke. Thank you very much.

Thanks for my first laugh in days!

That’s fine and all but do they have to use SO MANY? When it gets obnoxious the adblocker goes on. A few ads are okay but this is ridiculous. Those autoplaying videos are the worst.

The trickle down don’t?

It’s no big surprise the senators from South Dakota didn’t comment. Thune and Rounds have accomplished very little since “winning” office, with the exception of showing up for the photo opportunities.

The biggest let down for me is not being told the Arcade mode would require a Playstation Plus account to even use. The Arcade was a good part of my decision to buy the game. I certainly won’t preorder another Ubisoft game again.

Can you grow your own? Is that legal also? Just curious as I haven’t be able to keep up with changes.

Thank you, this was exactly my take on it.

I’m guessing you are in a “legal state?” Some people would literally shoot horse shit if they thought it would make them high. Case in point, have you seen people are now abusing Imodium to get a high. Congress is looking into regulation because they have nothing else to do.

Where are all the weapons? It seems to me there’s only a few different weapons compared to past Far Cry games. I’m really enjoying the game but has anyone else noticed that?

Comment of the day.

Not nearly enough pot.