
Probably a dumb question, but wouldn’t the larger engines have a better chance of damage from bird strikes?

I’m afraid that ship has sailed. You can only “dress up” shit so much.

It happens all the time where I live, it’s why I’m not renewing my Prime.

Just another reason to feel bad about shopping at Wally World. I feel bad every time I go through the doors. Unfortunately in our town it’s the only choice. There is a small local grocery store but every time I used it I found outdated and spoiled food. It really blows living in a Red state.

Having worked for the census on at two occasions, I can tell you without a doubt this will only lead to more refusals and cause difficulty with getting an accurate count. It’s not just representation but funds distributed for healthcare, schools and infrastructure. Having the wrong count will hurt everyone in the

I really miss the real Casa Bonita. We used to drive down on the weekends when I was in High School. Not a great meal but a great experience, at least the 3 or 4 times we did it. I no longer seem to have the time to just “do things for fun” and I miss that.

It’s the same reason I still use an adblocker, despite all the polite pop ups asking me to “reconsider.” When my adblocker needs to block between 30 and 40 elements on every story I chose to click on, you can forget about any consideration towards helping your cash flow. Cut back on ads, stop the really annoying

That’s right, thank you for reminding me. Our IP is especially crappy as Vast throttles traffic and cares very little about service.

Just surprised at the size of the download. Some of us still live in places where the net isn’t “fast” and that would take me a long time to download.

40 GB? For a demo?

Any chance of this coming to consoles?

You really can’t blame cats. It’s the owners, like the dipshit who lives next door to me, that hold the responsibility. Don’t let your cats run wild. His cat has slaughtered literally dozens of birds and small animals and left the results in my yard. This is his third cat that I know about, the other two never

I’m ashamed to say Mike Rounds is our representative, not Idaho’s. He has done nothing for the state since he was elected but I guess he learned that from the other two republican’s representing South Dakota. They all three do nothing but appear at every photo opportunity and vote whatever they’re told by the NRA

I agree 100%. The first remains the best.

I really wanted to like it but the Bat mobile tank sequences killed it for me. Just never went back in.

He can start with the large pharmaceutical companies who continue to push pain killers that are killing citizens instead of pain. They are also some of the largest contributors to keeping cannabis, a harmless product that could potentially help millions, off the ballot.

Answer:I certainly hope so.

Or just don’t drink to excess, or at all for that matter. I stopped drinking years ago and I don’t miss it a bit. It’s really surprising to me however that people who do use alcohol seem unaware of the toxicity of tylenol when mixed with alcohol.

I meant the drivers screwing over the customers. I hadn’t known some of them are contractors.

I’m sure it’s not just UPS. They work those guys to death but I just don’t see screwing someone who’s not even “part of the problem.”