
You got off lucky. The last time I ordered a hard drive from Amazon I watched the UPS driver throw it against my front door from about 15 feet. I didn’t even bother to open the obviously damaged box, just sent it back. I avoid using UPS whenever I order anything.

If only.

This. Totally this.

I’d buy into your advice much better if this site and all your additional sites didn’t post at least three articles linking to “something great” to buy on Amazon. I had already decided to cut the Amazon cord weeks ago when it came out Amazon doesn’t pay any taxes. Screw them.

I like the cut of your jib.

I can’t wait. I just wish I had preordered the full package with the DLC. Oh well. I’ve had other games that I did buy the DLC and never made it far enough to play what I paid for. I’m looking at you DS3.

just watched this episode last night and it was especially relevant considering current circumstances.

I’ve yet to find a good way to find anything on Netflix. I just finished the free trial and I’m not sure how long I’m going to pay for it. There seems to be a lot to watch but it has a confusing menu in my opinion. I’ve actually stumbled into most of what I’ve watched so far.

I don’t believe they have an “endgame” other than encouraging the divisions which currently exist.

Thank you for voicing how many people feel.

I really wish they were as “determined to get the truth” when they question our “president” or members of the legislature. Them, they coddle. Why we need any kind of interviews on scene has always been beyond me.

Maybe they could pass a law.


The only one I’ve ever finished was Demon Souls. Got all the way to the final boss in Dark Souls, up to that bastard the Rotten in DS2 and currently can’t figure where to go in DS3. Bloodborne? Love the game but I’m lost somewhere there also. I started into the tombs and those things are endless. I guess I just

I can’t say I’m surprised. I left my career in Corrections working with kids after I refused a directive that I felt was abuse. I was told to make three Native American girls sleep in handcuffs and shackles because the State didn’t want to pay for transportation to Juvenile Detention. People in power will always

I really wasn’t insulting the game, I was just wondering why these “retro” games are popular now. I started gaming with pong and a game for the Timex Sinclair called Bomber but I certainly wouldn’t go back there.

What a wonderful story. Honestly, so glad I stopped by to read this. I’m off to find the episode.

Thank you.

Thank you kindly.

I would love to learn coding, but at 62 I’m thinking I’m probably too old. For the life of me I can’t even figure out where to start. So many different “styles,” if that’s what you even call them.