
This continues to be a nightmare without end. The sheer arrogance of a man with multiple deferments sending young men in harm’s way, mostly due to his failure to even consider diplomacy.

I tested the soil in an area where they were putting in a fancy restaurant several years ago. The results were higher than I’ve ever seen for arsenic and mercury. Actually had to shut down and clean the instrument before proceeding. It was from previous gold mining. So much for cleaning things up after the money’s

Please don’t take this as anything but a sincere question, but why would I want to return to what looks like 8 bit graphics and a game from the 80's? I just don’t get it. I see a lot of this sort of side scroller on the Playstation Store and I just don’t understand the attraction.

First good news I’ve had for over a year. It couldn’t happen to a bigger group of douchbags. Good on the Eagles for getting the job done!

This makes me happy. I’ll take any “happy” I can get these days. I’m so proud of this young woman. Good for her!

This. In a nutshell.

I don’t expect it to happen, but the best move they could make is to legalize pot on a federal level. But I’m sure the pharma companies have bought most of Washington by now, a government for and by the people is only a myth these days.

I don’t even know how to start. I will tell you I’ve worked over 20 years in Corrections and as a counselor working with kids with severe behavioral problems. There is no excuse for this incident and to be honest this man should be up on charges. I’ve been involved in hundreds of restraints, sometimes they’re

“What a piece of shit.” That pretty much sums up the whole thing, doesn’t it?

Sounds like my home state of South Dakota. Our representatives do absolutely nothing and don’t even bother to hide it.

You’ve just described most of South Dakota.

Thank you so much for something that doesn’t make me sad. I needed this!

Comment of the year.

I feel EXACTLY the same way. Thank you. I was starting to think I was alone.

Sorry man. The world is shitty enough already without this kind of “sport.” I do know that Jeffery pretty well ruined Care2 for a lot of people. I suspect people like that are just really sad, but I can’t seem to feel sorry for them.

I’d suggest it’s “Jeffery” from Care2 but he’s currently serving time for arranging and filming “Bum fights” using the homeless for entertainment. It seems like the same kind of bullshit.

You can also choose not to be stupid but it seems to be much more common lately.

I would GLADLY leave this state if I could afford to. I haven’t even had any health insurance for years now because my state decided they would rather stick it to the Black President than help it’s poorest citizens. I’m really hoping I can make it to Medicare. Assuming of course that they don’t steal that also.

I should be so lucky. I’ve noticed the internet is awash in fragile egos. Granted I’m an old fart but I can tell you for certain some of the comments I’ve experienced online would have never been made face to face. It’s much easier to be a dick when you’re anonymous.

I’m doing the best I can. As a liberal stuck in a Red State, mostly because I can’t afford to move, I will keep voting and writing letters to our local conservative newspapers. It doesn’t seem to help much but at least I can put a burr under their saddle on a regular basis.