
When the republicans get done with their tomfoolery, I seriously doubt there will be much in the way of resources to “manage.” They are systematically handing public assets to private interests with no regard for the environment or the people they represent.

Did you forget the link to Nike?

Did you forget the link to Nike?



Really interesting to see that dumb ass Thune from my home state actually pretending to do something. He’s not concerned at all with Russian collusion in our elections and probable treason from the dipshit sitting in the White House, but he gets excited about this. The only other thing I’ve seen him accomplish is

I’m not sure what happened to my response to you. I worded that “real work” comment poorly and I apologize. I wish I had half the talent some of the people on Youtube have. There are many people doing good work on Youtube, REAL work. The problem rests with the people spreading racism and hate.

I meant no disrespect towards the people who do REAL jobs on Youtube. I could have worded that part better.

I’m glad they actually did the right thing for a change. Let this self-entitled little shit get an actual job for a change. As a survivor and having lost a girlfriend to suicide I have no empathy towards this twerp. I’m sorry but I would really like to see social media show responsibility and stop ignoring the

God I wish I had your optimism.

We can hope. Or did they take that away from us yet?

Well said.

You can’t take the sky from me.

This. Glad to see another “old timer.” I’ve had several opportunities to try some of the new crops. There were several strains that surprised me but on the whole, I’m not certain you could say it’s that much better. But then again, I knew people who had access to pretty good stuff. One friend, who is know a

Thank you, I couldn’t have said it better. I’ve experienced it from both sides; as the person left behind and as the one attempting to leave. It’s certainly not something we should encourage in others.

1) Can’t afford to move

I like the cut of your jib. I also remember the four finger sandwich but it was usually more like three fingers. A “lid’ used to be a good three fingers and a dime bag was two.

I really wish I shared your optimistic viewpoint. It’s an incredible, beautiful planet and we’re poisoning it a day at a time.

I loved this game when it came out. I wish I still had the Genesis, I’d dig the game out and play again. Thanks for the memories!

If the player hasn’t been in some of the higher dungeons, will the glyph still work?

Too late at this point.

I love it. I’d love to talk about a certain mission in Memphis but I won’t be a spoiler. Wow, I didn’t see that coming.