
Not true. Except for the large percentages of ordinary grocery mushrooms treated with synthetic hallucinogens, which I’m sure are commonplace. They aren’t as tasty as Shaggymanes or Morels but they aren’t bad.

Franco? Columbu?

I guess I’ll try to get back into Hellblade. I got frustrated trying to find a set of symbols and just put it away for awhile. Elite Dangerous, on the other hand, will probably never come back out of the box.

God I hope you are right.

It will probably take me two years to find the game, should I decide to try out the new features. I haven’t picked it up since the first month I had it. I bought it on preorder and was so looking forward to the “experience.” It sounds like they’re trying to make things better so you have to give them some credit

It couldn’t do any worse.

It’s not North Korea that causes me to lose sleep; it’s the moron in the White House.

Even more so-have you seen the latest from North Korea?

Not yet, but I’m certain I can do it. I can only seem to “get gud” on a very few games.

Seriously? You haven’t seen me play.

The total lack of accountability is to blame for this. Cops know at this point they can get away with almost anything. The bogus investigations by other law enforcement agencies and the complete refusal to charge even the most blatant offenders for murder has made it open season especially on people of color.

Just can’t get the hang of Gwent. Love the rest of the game though.

I like the cut of your jib. Have a good day.

“sniveling little turd” is the best definition of Drumpf I’ve read yet. Thank you for making my day!

I was all ready to buy but then I noticed it said “car” not “cat” massager. My cats are very spoiled.

I was all ready to buy but then I noticed it said “car” not “cat” massager. My cats are very spoiled.

Agaricus bisporus, not bosporus. Just saying.

Try not to judge some cities in smaller towns ONLY have access to a Wally World. They drove the local competition out with their government subsidized business practice. In my case I could drive 40 miles to avoid shopping there but sometimes I don’t have the time.

I guess I’d worry more about the tourist crap they sell in my state. Cheap cosmetic jewelry that kids often buy and even stick in their mouth. I tested a small necklace a couple of years ago that was actually a percent lead. Not ppb or ppm, but actually like 14-15%.

I wonder how long people like this could survive if we wouldn’t call attention to them. He’s definitely a douche but he’s hardly the “world’s worse.” At least his antics and selfish attention-seeking behavior isn’t leading to death and destruction of the planet. We have Congress and the “President” for that.

I wonder how long people like this could survive if we wouldn’t call attention to them. He’s definitely a douche but he’s hardly the “world’s worse.” At least his antics and selfish attention-seeking behavior isn’t leading to death and destruction of the planet. We have Congress and the “President” for that.