
It’s gotten to the point where I wouldn’t call the police if I saw ISIS marching down the street with a nuke in a wagon. Either the cops need to start acting like they are responsible professionals or fuck them.

Actually the people that keep encouraging these people are the “worst,” like that orange douchebag that currently sits in the White House. The racism and hatred has always been festering but this recent election seemed to make it more acceptable.

I haven’t heard the term “shit weasel” since that King book. Thanks for keeping the language colorful.

Thank you for a wonderful read. I’m sorry for your loss but I’m also pretty confident your father knew he raised a good person. What more could any father ask?

The sooner the better.

Here’s hoping some of my neighbors make the list next year. I’m really tired of worrying they’ll light my house on fire. They terrorize my pets with this nonsense every year and for what?

Obviously not Goggle, as the first thing that popped up when I went to check stories were actual images of the scene. I didn’t go further but shouldn’t Goggle hold some responsibility towards the entire situation? I have no interest in watching but why should this even still be found in search results?

Seriously good stuff. I can’t help but see Mitch swimming in his “money pool.”

Came here to say exactly this. It will never stop me from loving the Dude but damn.

Fidget spinners, why?

You had an entire internet to leave snarky comments on. Sorry I took a nanosecond of your time to ask for help. Seriously, why does the net bring out the worst in people?

Thank you.

Is that for everyone? Or just the participants on the show?

You must be referring to Lords of the Fallen. Yeah that’s just one more game that sits and collects dust. Speaking of turds it would have been nice to have a review of Elite Dangerous for the PS4 from Kotaku. I’m starting to believe only certain games get reviewed for a reason.

It’s not even worth discussing with you.

Meh. No, it’s pretty much just common sense.

I like the cut of your jib.

Yeah, she’s the “bad guy” here; not the companies seeking wealth without regard for the planet.

Just getting worried. I haven’t read a “good” review yet. It’s shipping already so I guess I’m going to find out for myself.

I’m starting to wonder if I screwed up pre-ordering Elite Dangerous.