
Thank you. I was starting to really worry. It should be here Tuesday.

Love the game but I can’t find the time. It’s a shame.

Until these thugs are held accountable- all cops will be responsible for these criminal acts. It’s pure bullshit to think this kind of behavior is anything but criminal. Law enforcement officers should be the strongest critics and yet all we hear are crickets.

Thank goodness he was considerate enough to wear gloves.

Well I’m done with Walgreens.

Why am I still in the greys?

I hope she found someone.

I worked at a Psych Unit and at one point police officers that were called to transport a patient refused to enter without their guns. It was considered SOP to remove the weapons and lock them in a lock box before coming up to the floor. It went all the way up to hospital administration who gave permission for the

Why would you when you can buy my 2003 Mitsubishi Eclipse in excellent condition with just 40,000 miles on it. I bought it new so I can assure you it’s a nice car.

They are more than welcome to study me. I would gladly volunteer if I had any access to healthcare. I’ve had IBS and consistent and regular incidents since I was much younger.

I never said it wasn’t. Of course it was, it was the only way Obama could get it through. It still left some choices (like who lived and who died) up to the states, assuming they would help their poorest citizens with expanded medicare. The problem was the state government in most of those states were the same

I read a book a few years back called High Risk. It claimed we were producing more of these kids all the time. After 15 years working with kids in corrections I think he might have had a point.

Thank you. You said it much better than I did.

The Affordable Care Act was far from perfect but at least it was an attempt to correct the problem. This turd is just another gift to insurance companies and stock holders and everyone not covered can just die already. I’m hoping this will be the nail in the republican coffin but I’m not holding my breath. The

“Unemployment figures don’t just reflect the virtuously unemployed but those who “choose not to work.” I guess I fall in that category. I’m not sure what else I can do with severe IBS and no access to healthcare. I’m just trying to hold on another 3 or 4 years and medicare. I was a contributing member of society

I hear you. I’m about ready to give up feeding. Love the little guys but the large birds are pigs. I’ve tried everything I can think of.

They do and I’m done here. The comments are often the only reason I read the articles. Seriously, doesn’t anybody test these things?

So how about Brewer’s Blackbirds? Can they remember and seek payback? Because of really sick of filling my feeders and I don’t want the Purple Finches and Juncos to go without. How the heck do you dissuade a hungry and selfish Blackbird?

Please do. I actually smiled. It’s been awhile.

Honestly some days I think we’ve entered another reality. All this venom and hate has been there all along, I realize that, but an election somehow allows these dipshits to feel free to “vent?” Most days anymore I’m too depressed to even go out in public. What can we do, short of another civil war, to fix this