
Good for him.

Tried it, couldn’t get it to work, went back to UMS.

Looks just like my neighbor’s back yard. Despite city laws restricting cars in your yard he gets away with it year after year.

I wish I wouldn’t have drank that kool-aid. I bought in and paid full price and now I own a drink coaster. Honestly, I haven’t seen anything yet worth going back for and by the time they get around to “fixing” it there will be much better games in the marketplace.

Good buy but you could have had my copy for postage.

It’s never going to happen. We’ve lost that as a species and I’m fairly certain we’re going to die on this planet after we have consumed the last morsel of cheap energy.

Thanks. That’s what I was hoping, loved the previous games.

Last Guardian interests me; but does anyone know the approximate length? I’m a bit gun shy after No Man’s Sky. Some games just aren’t worth “full price.”

Made my day. Thanks for sticking up for yourself.

Well said. Exactly what I was thinking.

Windows 10 all but bricked my gateway. I’ll be sticking with 7 for now.

Thank you.

Is there a single player aspect to this game? The current emphasis on multiplayer is why I don’t buy new games anymore.

She is adorable. I hope you both have many happy years together.

President-elect whiny little bitch. Never my president. The cast is a class act.

I’ll be trying, yet again, to get past the blood-starved beast so I can move on in Bloodborne.

I paid full price when it came out. Played the heck out of it but put it up after a couple of weeks and haven’t picked it up since.

Thank you for this. It actually made me feel better. I’ve felt literally sick since Tuesday.

For all the reasons you listed-he will never be my president.

I hope you aren’t serious.