
I can’t help wondering if that kind of attitude is why we lost in the first place. Don’t get me wrong, I spent most of my life helping people in social work. But they don’t play “nice,” but some things can’t and won’t be tolerated. For Christ sake the man mocked a handicapped person and his audience fell in love.

They are already talking about adjustments to social security. I have two years to go and I’ll probably never see a penny.

That’s just it. I wasn’t blaming anyone. I was only asking about the numbers.

Try what? I wasn’t accusing. I’m sorry if it came off like that. I was only asking about results.

I do, at least I think I do. It’s vengeance, on a “bigly” scale. They’ve been stewing for eight years that we put a black person in the office of President. They stewed and plotted and when Drump came along-they acted. None of it mattered; the misogyny, the mocking of the handicapped, the entire fiasco was just

But how? I think our only alternative at this point is a boycott of large purchases. The only thing these people understand is money, it’s their life blood.

Are we even sure the results are “accurate?” I wouldn’t put it past this bastard to scream about a rigged election for weeks while his “apprentice” Russian hackers assured he would roll on in. I was sick as hell last night and couldn’t even watch but what happened to the black and hispanic vote that was supposed to

It does help with the pain. It costs little or next to nothing once you have the seeds.

I’ve been saying this for eight long years.

Maybe when the republicans kill social security they’ll “believe.” Too late for me and millions of others but hey -capitalism. Or maybe when he shuts down affordable care and throws millions off of insurance, maybe that will convince them.

I’m 60 years old in a couple of weeks. I’ve never been ashamed of my country-I am now.

One of them has been posting on Facebook all night. Off to unfriend them now. I don’t need friends like that. Seriously I thought when it came down to it people would do the “right thing.”

It can’t get here soon enough.

I hear you! From South Dakota.

I refuse to watch. Especially today I’d like to think everything’s “okay” and nothing bad will happen. Ignorance is bliss.

It seems to have “bitten them in the ass.” #karma

Could have predicted this, the crazy runs very deep in this group.

Is there any reason that demos are so incredibly difficult to even find on the PSN?

That would fill up fast.

God I hope you’re right. I’m not sure I could ever be proud of this country again if you’re wrong. I know this country is divided but even the people supporting him can’t “feel right” about it.