
I was loving the game and then got stuck at the searchlights and couldn’t get the gumption to start again. I think I’m getting too old for this crap. Stopped at that Pontiff dude in DS 3 and can’t seem to get motivated there either. Don’t get me started with No Man’s Sky.....

Oh God yes. I finally gave up on commenting online when the “truthers” show up. How many times can you explain something? It’s genuinely like talking to a four year old. No, I take that back. A four year old can actually connect the dots.

Am I the only one that thinks the Trump boys look identical to the Romney kids? Maybe it’s just that one kid but man it’s really creepy.

Exactly. I’m sure I’m not the only one who has noticed all the “helpful cop” stories appearing lately. I’m certain 90% of the cops are probably pretty good people but until they start holding the bad 10% accountable for murder I won’t respect any of them. I worked half my life in corrections so I’ve seen this kind

Case in point-the current Presidential election.

This if NOTHING ELSE should eliminate any consideration for voting for this “man.” We constantly remind grade school kids about bullying but a candidate for President gets a pass? He’s a cruel, selfish, “whiny little bitch” and half this country is considering him for office? Honestly I never thought things would

Oh shit. I can see that but I kind of like Cartman.

How can this race even be close? I just don’t understand unless a large portion of the population just wants to get this shit over with.

It used to be a good deal but recently (within the last year) customer service has fallen. I won’t renew. I’m sure it’s a better deal in large cities but a large part of this country is still rural and their “2 day shipping” turns out to be anything but.

It used to be a good deal but recently (within the last year) customer service has fallen. I won’t renew. I’m sure

I found one of these buggers when I was a child. Played with that sucker for hours and he never took the opportunity to “be a dick.” As I’ve recently discovered I’m allergic to most bees and wasps I guess I feel thankful. Crawl on little cow killer.

I’d be happy with a battery that lasted more than an hour.

I’d be happy with a battery that lasted more than an hour.

If you still have a copy of P.T. can you share it? I was really underwhelmed by the new demo.

I guess I’ll rethink the purchase. I was going to try this one now that the collection has come out but I just can’t play a game where cats hate me.

Signed up for one month of Plus. I won’t waste the money again. Unless you play multiplayer games they offer nothing.

Honda Hawk Hondamatic. Best bike I’ve ever owned and I’ve had several. It moved from trail to highway to city and it ran like a clock. I miss mine every day. It wasn’t quick but it was capable.

My English professor would have a seizure.

Subscribed to your channel, it sounds interesting.

It’s gotten worse, much worse, over the years. My older brother used to work at a KFC when I was in High School and we all looked forward to him bringing some home. I wouldn’t buy it again after trying it recently.

I found a planet last night that makes the whole experience worth the cost. I’m not sure I’ll ever want to leave. My biggest criticism- no way to get back to previous “finds.”

Thank you very much. Understanding is priceless.