
I’ll assume you were trying to help, so thank you. I understand now how an illiterate person feels when someone hands him an interesting book. Some days I think I’m way too old for this crap.

That’s just great and all but what about the small group of people that don’t have cell phones to receive said text message? I admit it’s unusual but I don’t have a cell phone and honestly don’t want one.

Purchased, thank you!

Wait. You don’t “have to have” cable? Screw the cable companies. I paid for HBO and cable for almost 20 years and suddenly my cable company (Vast) decides I don’t really need to watch Realtime in “real time.” Instead I’m expected to stay up 3 hours later. Canceled and found a good torrent site. If they want to lose

This. In a nutshell. I didn’t buy this game for yet another stupid multiplayer shooter. The biggest selling point for me is getting (far) away from other people.

I finally found a ship that resembles a Firefly. It’s only one slot bigger but I’m much happier now.

If it was priced lower I’d pick it up just for the original Bioshock, I have no interest in the others. I guess I’ll wait for the inevitable price drop.

Thank you! You’ve ignited the spark again. I think I’m going to stop and smell the “roses,” even if they look nothing like flowers. I was beginning to lose interest but now I know there’s a better way to play.

Wait, you can mine from the ship?

The space combat sucks so bad I’ve gotten to the point where I either warp out of the system as soon as I hear the “being scanned by hostiles” bite or failing to have the required fuel I just prepare to lose all I have. I’ve tried fighting it out but half the time I’m just attacked again when (or if) I can find the

Am I the only one having crashes on startup? It doesn’t even finish loading. Not all the time, but 1 in 10. Also I keep getting a marker for distress call but can’t get “there.” It’s in space but it’s like it “moves around.”

33 on this page alone-thanks Adblocker.

Been there, done that. I actually went to a party in a less respectable part of town, when I was younger. I met these kids through a neighborhood youth corps when our area had a bad flood. Drinking punch all night before I realized they had been mixing it in a large garbage can. I don’t believe they put a lot of time

You should write reviews. I agree 100% with all you wrote. Wait until you get stuck in a deep ravine and can’t jetpack your way out. Talk about frustrating. But I continue on. If you run into three planets named after my cats you’ll know I passed that way.

I don’t think you should be so quick to exclude the preservation of tissue. I once found a piece of Sequoia wood from the Jurassic and the part remaining in the rock turned black and crumbled when I broke it out of the rock enclosing it. Seriously. It turned black (carbon) and crumbled away like dust. True story.

Any crashes?

Thank you.

Thank you very much.

No one is mentioning the crashes? That seems a little underwhelming. Especially considering it seems to have happened during a fundamental portion of the game (warping.)

Ok, how in the heck did you get that burst of speed? I know how to go faster but it looks like you have a “turbo mode?”