
I felt the same way, then Dark Souls 3 came out. I found one at a local pawn shop for $225. It was worth it for that game alone. I don’t see much else worth spending money on. But the console works great as a media server also. All in all, I’m happy I picked one up.

More likely you’re a plant from the conservatives. If you call yourself a democrat maybe I’ve been voting for the wrong party for over 40 years. Your lack of tolerance and obvious redneck tendencies speaks volumes. You don’t know me and your troll behavior does nothing to help anything. Hurry along now, you are late

I hope you don’t regret “running off” democrats that disagree with you. You sound pretty “republican” to me. If anyone that considers another candidate is a “misogynist” then I’m not sure you would recognize a “bigot” if you saw one.

If it has anything to do with religion I wouldn’t touch it with a ten foot pole. I sense from your “unaffordable” designation you are most of the problem. The AHCA is not the reason I can’t get healthcare, it’s the blowhard republicans that would do ANYTHING to not help a balck President.

Why even use the term “bernie bros?” This is exactly the reason we are having trouble uniting the party. I could just as easily make up a derogatory name for Clinton supporters but it just seems self defeating to me. I’ve voted for democrats for over 40 years but I really find this election distasteful on both sides.

Unless of course you are one of the millions of people stuck in a red state without insurance.

So since this is a dwarf, it IS NOT the ninth possible planet announced several months ago. The body that is effecting other planet’s orbits?

Men live with cats also.

And yet he was able to buy a gun in this country and act out his violent fantasies. Yep, no problem here. But after Sandy Hook did nothing to change things I guess nothing surprises me anymore.

Some part of it seems to be working. Those knights outside of the castle used to wreck me; but as I’ve built my character I’m now able to stagger those punks and deliver a mighty beating. I suspect it has more to do with the weapon this time, but that’s just a guess on my part. Better go, I have a bunch of souls to

I believe the “rising anti-science” movement is probably the biggest reason for their attitudes. When you have almost half the country believing in crap like chemtrails and ignoring the obvious science behind, well everything, it makes those who have spent their lives in the pursuit a tad “bitchy.”

Great article. It’s nice to see games putting so much effort into getting things “right.”

That’s exactly how I feel about Dark Souls. I know there’s this incredible, awesome world in there but I’m just pretty sure I’ll never see it. I might have to pick this one up.

“Your regular doctor is a good place to start.” That’s assuming of course you are not one of the millions of Americans that are totally screwed in this country with no access to healthcare.

I will tell you I absolutely love Dark Souls 3. I saved the money for a PS4 JUST for this game and I’m glad I did. It’s everything I loved about DS and more. I will be happy never to buy another game for the system.

Starred just for the comment about “git gud.” The first DS is a great game and I found it much better “offline.”

Is it just me or do people really suck a lot more than they used to? I mean I can’t see this kind of attitude happening 30 years ago. The “net” has bred a whole new level of asshole. Everyone feels “entitled’ and “special.” Screw this guy.

Beat the first Dark Souls, after much farming and leveling. Couldn’t come close on the second, which does tend to piss me off, mainly because I bought the DLC and I never got to see any of it. I love the game and I wouldn’t want to cheat or skip ahead but isn’t it only fair to see a little of what you paid for? I

Jesus christ- I hope you don’t ever have kids. Hurry along now, you’re late for your Trump rally. This total lack of empathy is what is wrong with this country.

Love the game. But I’ve put it down so long it’s getting tough to get back in.