
What about those “performance” chips they sell on Ebay? Do they do anything except take your money?

Thank you.

Do the enemies constantly respawn? Or is there a set limit like DS2?

Patrick, do you know if either console version of the game requires you to have a subscription to play the game? Can I play Dark Souls 3 on the PS4 offline? As this game is the only reason I’m considering buying a PS4 this is important to me.

I wish I had the words to tell you what this meant to me.

Thank you for brightening my morning.

I like the cut of your jib!

That’s what I loved about Dark Souls, the sense of adventure, the “tough but fair” aspect. That’s what’s missing from the second one. I finished the first and loved it. But I keep quitting on the second. And that makes me mad.

Just preordered Dark Souls 3. Do I have a PS4? Nope. Said I would never get one when I heard there was no backward compatability. But I’m buying this game on the off chance that I’ll live long enough to get one. That’s how much I love Dark Souls. For one freakin game.

This is a big part of what’s wrong with healthcare in the US. These greedy bastards are only in it for the profits, they don’t care who lives or dies. This has to change or we will never fix the problems. But I guess most people don’t worry, until it hits “home.”

I’m not sure why I went “back to the grey.”

I worked as a Psych Tech briefly, but I had to quit after hearing the nurses and a doctor insulting the patients, at times with the patient right there. I was also instructed to “just write down anything” when I expressed difficulty reading BP and pulse on a difficult patient. There are people that should “be doing

I would be grateful if they could just get my network adapter to work instead of having to run troubleshooter every time I start to fix it yet again.

Ah crap. Well your review is so short I better find another source. I’ve been ripped off before with really lousy DLC. I haven’t been too impressed with the previous DLC’s for this game.

Thank you very much. I hope it “sticks.”

It’s much cheaper these days to just set it up yourself.

I would gladly comment but this site still considers me “grey.”

I worked at Sky Ranch for Boys about the time the Nintendo was king. I started bring a console to work as a reward for the boys that kept their rank. I had a young man from the southern US named Ron who was incredible with games. He sat down with Ninja Gaiden when it was just out and almost completed the game on his

Not for that price. I see their reasoning but quite frankly I’m tired of losing money every time the companies come out with a slightly better console. I’ve got hundreds of games in the basement that won’t ever go to a gamestop for the same reason. They give you a couple of bucks and turn around and ask a little less

And it almost requires a Google account linking everything including your first born. I’ve had it with chrome, the only reason it’s still on my computer is all my passwords are stored there. How the heck do you get them out?