
You are preaching to the choir. Love my local library.

You talk like that’s a bad thing.

Thank you.

10) I should be so lucky. That’s not scary, it’s my nirvana. I’ve never felt so comfortable, so safe, so “right where I belong,” as when I’m in a cave.

Does anyone know what this plant is? I have some growing in a pot with a ficus. For the life of me, I can’t remember where it came from.

Thank you very much. I guess I’ll go back and try him again. I put the game up because of the frustration and I really miss that world.

The man flew. Incredible.

I always thought I couldn’t dance; but after watching these youngsters I see it really doesn’t matter.

That car is in beautiful shape.

Amen! Thank you for having the fortitude to say what I’ve been thinking all along. Expect lots of snark from people who bought the hype but can’t admit the obvious.

From what I saw when I worked as a Psych Tech at a hospital, I’m pretty sure there are a few things that haven’t changed since the 50’s. I was shocked to see nurses and techs make fun of some of the patients, at times in the patients presence. When I was being trained I had trouble taking blood pressure and pulse and

God sure works in “mysterious ways,” doesn’t he? In between insuring the “right” teams win at sports, giving the things people pray for and saving some people yet letting others die, he will let California have a little moisture for a change.

Thank you.

Is this discount also for the 360 version?

Is this discount also for the 360 version?

It seems like the whole “sanctity of life” thing only goes so far, huh?

Jonathan Swift

Meh. If I had access to a “pause” feature I might actually have finished the game. As it is I considered it a pretty good accomplishment just to reach the Four Kings. Still muddling through DS 2 and if the day comes i actually beat the Rotten I’ll scratch that off my bucket list also. I guess I consider both games so

Complete overcast. And I can’t even find a feed that works. If the end comes, can someone give me a heads up?

No, it’s $100.

No, it’s $100.
