
Thank you so much. Best comment ever and it covers everything I wanted to vent.

Just curious, for anyone who’s done both- are the effects anything like Salvia divinorium?

I’m betting this guy was the butt of many jokes.

Some days I really hate the internet.

“Man I miss Firefly”

Please. He can have Joe Buck’s place.

In a residential neighborhood? I hope these dipshits ruin their cars before they take out a family or a couple of kids. I’m all for enjoying your ride, but have a little common sense.

Does your dentist like to poach lions in Africa?

Go back, they’re not that tough. Just concentrate on one at a time. If I can do it, so can you. They are frustrating but not impossible.

You hit it on the head about John Carter. When I went to see it in the theater my girlfriend and I were the only people in the seats. I loved the movie.

I realize this is supposed to be funny, but could someone really do an article on using stealth in MGS? I loved the first few games but I’m having trouble getting anywhere in this one. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve screwed up, got caught and resorted to eliminating the entire enemy forces with my strategy of

I knew “chemtrails” were bullshit from day one. About the same time they were becoming popular fodder on the net I was working as an environmental chemist, testing soil, water and air samples. Our clients included companies and government agencies that had to be in compliance with environmental laws. Many of the

Too little, too late. They should have used the time and resources to make the game more interesting.

For the same reason I never came clean about the scratch in the finish of a 57 Chevy my class had worked on all semester in Autobody. After almost 40 years, I’m pretty sure I got away with it.

I’m going to quit sharing 109’s stories. I’ve been commenting appropriately for well over a year, sharing your stories on Facebook ahd Google+ and even contributing suggestions for stories and you can’t even bother to UNGREY me?

Am I the only one who can’t watch these videos? They look ok until I click them, then they start to play and become really dark. Any ideas?

Agree 100%. I’m finally done with this show. The only reason I hung in this long was I figured something had to get better. Terrible writing, plot holes....yikes.

No, this is religion. It gives people an “out.”

You forgot to mention it also killed a 30 year opening winning streak.

Time to sell the game on Amazon. This game just isn’t worth another 20 GB of space on my console. I get that some people like it but I’ve never been able to understand the attraction.