
Thank you.

Have you even been watching the republican primaries?

Ok, so that explains the birthday...so why did they go through all the face customizations? If that’s for the multiplayer I guess I just wasted my time.

Thanks for a great review. I broke down and bought it and I’m glad I did. I’m not good at these kinds of games but your review is dead on and the game rocks. I’m enjoying it so far and only found fault with the lengthy and frustrating beginning. I could have broke the controller after 15 minutes of crawling on the

I know that, just figured they would eventually get there.

Wake me up when they’re kicking ass with the Rotten. That’s the only reason my Dark Souls disk is gathering dust.

And the really funny thing is: no matter who they call out for, they never seem to get an answer.

I wish I would have known about this before. This was my best friend, Mau. I miss him every day.

“Fortunately, the contamination seems to be quickly dissipating as heavy metals sink into sediments at the bottom of the riverbed. “ Yeah, out of sight, out of mind-sort of like the tragedy in the Gulf where BP used a poisonous contaminant to grab the oil and drag it to the bottom of the Gulf-where it waits and

I really, really miss college.


Care to share your brine recipe? I’m just starting at pickles and it seems like there’s way too many different brines. I’m afraid I’m going to mess this up.


Beat me to it. I had a friend that was using DMSO for joint pain when we lifted weights. I could always tell when he was using it.

Correction: caves are not scary. They’re awesome. Other than that I’m glad to see the series returning to it’s roots. The last game was like Tombraider Uncharted.

I really didn’t like this season. What a waste of some really good actors with a terribly written script. It almost killed the memory of just how good the first season was.

Speaking from personal experience, both my depression and my IBS were tolerable when I was smoking. Since quitting I’ve had IBS episodes at least twice a week. I’ve found nothing that helps. I’ve also suffered from periodic bouts of extremely painful apthous ulcers in my mouth; I never had them when I smoked.

I gave up last episode. I loved the books but this has gotten just plain stupid. WTF? Everyone is acting like it’s just another day in New York and monsters are running rampant like a republican convention.

Honestly, I’m glad for you. Even if I had the money to burn I wouldn’t upgrade because of the companies refusal to make them backward compatiable, but I have no problem with someone enjoying the new consoles. Been through this way too many times and until I see something that takes my breath away I’ll enjoy my