
I like the cut of your jib!

Thank you for an intelligent response, instead of merely getting defensive. I’ll admit I haven’t seen them run, I’m just going off the screen grabs and the new games brought exclusively to the new consoles.

Once again, I’m less than impressed with “next gen.” Glad I’ve held on to my current consoles. If the PS2 was any indication, game developers hadn’t even scratched the potential of the 360 and the PS3 before they sold us “the new crap.” I know there’a certain element that has to have the newest, the shiniest, but if

Years ago I was getting rather inebriated after a tough week of finals in a bar in Spearfish called Toomey’s Mill. A tall gent in a cool looking duster came in and sat a little further down the bar. He gets his beer and after a few minutes he reaches into that duster and pulls out a small skunk. He places the skunk on

Yeah, just like healthcare. Of course, instead of fucking over their poorest citizens, this way they can screw the entire planet.

Yeah, you can do ALL this- if only your computer will actually BOOT up. All I have is a black screen with a twirly ball. Tell Cortana to go F herself.

One question-is it possible to play through solo? Or did I just waste $20?

This. 100%. I just can’t give a crap when the dialogue blows and the plot is this confusing.

I broke down and bought the game when it went under $20 on Amazon. I had previously played the demo to level 4. I’m still level 4. I just can’t get into a game that doesn’t explain anything. I don’t have access to others as I’m somewhat of a loner but you’d think they could explain the basics. No offense to those that

There’s just ONE thing I would really like to ask about Win 10; why can’t I save a simple text file? It keeps telling me I need adnministrator privileges when I’m the ONLY user and set it up with my Microsoft account.

Can I ask? What is this illustration from?

Very first thing I thought when that came up.

The Dead Lands, Benjamin Percy. I’m loving it so far.

Is it difficult to make?

I really wanted to like that game (Colonial Marines) but I read the reviews and refrained from buying it. Then I saw it on Amazon for under $10 and picked it up. That game sucked so bad even at that price I decided then and there I would never buy another Gearbox game.

Interesting that you use an Amanita on the cover photo. I had a friend that tripped on Amanitas on a long weekend. I expressed concern as I knew they were somewhat dangerous and could be deadly. He said he laid on a couch for two days, sweating heavily and going in and out of coma like state, believed he had

As well they should. Can you imagine this tool in the wrong hands?

I’m sorry. I understand the dream of owning a few acres. How about raising goats or chickens? Maybe try planting something exotic like marygolds for chickenfeed? I wish you the best.

Why don’t you get a few goats? Or plant something?

All the ingenuity was destroyed by the final scene where he hovered over his friend long enough to get the other copter unhooked. Really stupid. Unless his buddy wasn’t using that head. All it takes is a second of distraction or a gust of wind.