
What makes you think you don’t?


I love a meme now and then but I don’t troll anyone. Thank you. I thought this was all io9 but if you are kind enough to ungrey me, I’ll start going here instead of there. I was an environmental chemist for almost 20 years so i might have something to contribute. Thanks.

Meh. The entire sale was lame. It was mostly crap they were trying to slough off on the pretense of a huge sale. I won’t renew my Prime membership as most of the “benefits” are anything but.

“Please legalize this shit.” This. If we remove the criminal element we eliminate most of the problem. That asshat that just escaped in Mexico is one of the world’s richest thugs because we keep a harmless plant in an illegal status.

I’ve even submitted weather pics they almost published and I still can’t get any respect. Thanks again for the information. I figured it had something to do with speed.

Thank you. Any idea how to get ungreyed around here? It seems impossible.

What I’d really like to know and I can’t find anywhere-why didn’t they attempt an orbit? The speed? It seems like a waste of an opportunity to just fly past.

I like the cut of your jib.

Obvious cover up.

Sears once pulled this on me. I was young and naive, I paid the huge bill. I’ve never had anything done at Sears since so maybe it was a lesson learned.

I also caught a large fish (whitefish) on the Snake river when I was younger. I was visiting an uncle and had no idea what was in there. Ended up fighting that sucker for almost a half hour.

I’m 58. I’ve had cats as companions since my late 20’s when a roommate moved and left her two. I’ve grown to understand and love cats just as much as anyone. My cats have NEVER been outside without me. I wouldn’t let a cat outside on it’s own, especially around other people. Cats I trust-people not so much.

Sorry, I didn’t mean to sound like I was snapping at you. I’ve gone over this in my head a million times as I honestly didn’t see where I did anything wrong but he could have killed us both. At that point, if he would have pulled off I would have wailed on him. It just seems like 80% of the drivers on the road think

It might be early for some. I’ve found I get frustrated more with ‘cheap” deaths in games as I get older. You don’t have any leeway in this game as I’m sure you know, so if you’re spotted-you’re dead. Which would be fine I guess if the stealth process worked better.

Yes. I know how to drive. He gunned it and came up on me.

Just a question. I almost had a serious altercation the other day. I find people absolutely refuse to yield on exits anymore. I avoid driving on the Interstate because of that. The other day I was in moderate traffic and coming up on an exit. I was doing the speed limit and I could see the driver coming in wasn’t

Thank you for saying what I really wanted to say. You are not alone.

I just couldn’t seem to shake him. Nothing i tried worked and I got tired of loading. Now I’m not even sure I remember the controls. It’s too bad really, the game rocked for the most part.

Absolutely loved the game until I reached the medical lab and couldn’t advance any further. After many attempts I put the game away and haven’t picked it up since.