

Just got through reading Wilderness of Ruin, it was a fascinating book. As someone who worked with young men and women in corrections, I realize quite a few of them could have easily gone the same route. There are many more sociopaths out there than you would imagine. Several years ago I worked with a young man who

Happy Father’s Day Mike. My own gave up on me once she turned 21 and discovered boys and beer but I hope you have nothing but the best. Raising boys has to be easier.

I didn’t buy a PS3 for this game, I bought one for Demon Souls. I agree with you on Bloodborne, it’s the only game I wish I had, but from what I’ve seen it could have been done on the PS3. It’s refreshing to get an intelligent response; I’m thinking I stirred up a lot of hate because some fanboys are sorry they dished

I have a right to an opinion. I’ll never buy a PS4 or the new Xbox. I’ll give up gaming before I do. Go play your “next generation” console; nothing I’ve seen on either of the new consoles justifies trading up.

Thanks Sony. I finally pick up a PS3 and you say a big “screw you” to PS3 users. I won’t forget it. I am enjoying demon Souls, but I won’t give you a dime for a Plus subscription.

I’m in the same boat.

I really appreciate the offer, thank you very much, but I’m on PS3.

Is there a good article or blog on how Destiny works? Or tips on how to play? There is so much unexplained, I just haven’t been able to get into it.

I’ve had two, crashed both within 10 minutes, before the batteries even ran out. They’re in my basement, anyone want them?

I know I’m missing something obvious here, but why would you stand around and film this entire episode, talking the entire time like you were watching a baseball game? I avoid Wallyworld like the plague, but does this sort of thing happen often?

I was definitely sad. I had to go to the hospital for almost a month and my” best” friend Joe told me he’d take care of my apartment and the animals. Instead he spent the time diddling my wife. I miss the salamander more than I miss either my friend or my ex-wife.

Swan Song is a much better book.

I’m sorry, didn’t mean to sound defensive. I just feel the PS3 has a lot of life left. I can’t afford to get a PS4 and honestly if I could I wouldn’t anyway. These companies piss me off with their tactics. Is there any reason they couldn’t support the older consoles and still make games for the newer ones? Or make the

Not everyone can afford the latest toy. Just curious, why should it matter to you and your “next generation” console that lowly PS3 users get a little love? Personally, I haven’t seen any reason to upgrade.

I used to raise tiger salamanders. I had one for over 12 years until my dumbass friend forgot to add water when I was gone for several weeks.

Best episode so far, it finally seemed to live up to it’s potential.

My comment was sort of ‘tongue-in-cheek” but I agree with most of your opinions. I just think this country is way too fragmented and selfish to consider the possibility of insects as food. Many people in this country would just as soon their neighbors starve as give up their own brats and steak. Just my opinion, but I

Bullshit-if it was, we would be eating each other.

Thank you! We can not say this often enough.