
How did she see through the chemtrails?

Good luck and thank you. Could you please ungrey me before you go?

Thank you. I did not know that.

I’m thinking the diatomaceous earth I use on the pests in my garden would do a superb job!

Those are PS4 “next gen” graphics? I haven’t seen anything to convince me to trade up.

I was.....

Thank you! I guess I’m off to buy Destiny. So glad i broke down and bought a used PS3. Enjoying the hell out of Demon Souls also. It’s a way better game than Dark Souls 2.

Can you play Destiny on a PS3 with a basic subscription? Or do you need a Plus membership to even play the game?

I used to have a cat named Little One in college who had two extra toes on her front feet. They looked like baseball mitts. She was the best little mouser ever; she once waited outside a mousehole for three days, only leaving to run to the litter box or grab a quick bite. She caught that damn mouse.

Why would he have to? Isn’t that why they have alter boys?

Just one more in a long list of reasons to NOT purchase the “next” generation consoles. To be honest, I haven’t seen one reason to buy one yet. I hope they lose a ton of money. There will always be people that have to have the latest, fastest, prettiest crap but honestly this last bunch of consoles just are not worth

No. I’ve never done anything like that. I was just curious.

Thank you for that great explanation.

I’m sure this is for the PC version, but that makes me wonder-are there viruses for the operating systems on the consoles?

Excellent article Tina. I have had cats as companions for most of my life. Call me whatever you want, I’m content in the knowledge that my animal friends have always treated me better than most humans I have known.

I finally saw my first mantis on a trip to NC several years ago. I was amazed, absolutely in awe, at the way they watched you back. Most insects seem unaware of our presence, but these insects and some of the tiger beetles, seem cognizant.

Bug off. “Complete lack of skill?” You are part of the reason I usually play offline. Hurry along now, recess is almost over.

It had everything to do with buying DLC you’ll never even get to attempt. It was bullshit of From to place the DLC after one of the harder bosses.

I really appreciate the advice. I’ve been pushing this game alone and I just keep getting stuck. I was able to finish Dark Souls, at least to the final boss. I really love the exploration.

Thank you!